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  • 全球發展新紀元:從千禧年發展目標到永續發展目標Towards a new era of development: from MDGs to SDGs
  • 曾育慧、 江東亮
    Yu-Hwei Tseng, Tung-Liang Chiang

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  • 1-5
  • 10.6288/TJPH201736105104
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  • 人工協助生殖科技的資料登錄與健康監測:跨國比較研究National registries and health surveillance of assisted reproductive technologies: a comparative study
  • 吳嘉苓、雷文玫、 鄧宗業、謝新誼
    Chia-Ling Wu, Wenmay Rei, Chung-Yeh Deng, Hsin-Yi Hsieh
  • 人工協助生殖科技 ; 登錄制 ; 多胚胎植入 ; 健康監測
    assisted reproductive technologies ; registry ; multiple embryo transfer ; health surveillance
  • 目標:全國性的資料登錄以及公共報告,是監測人工協助生殖科技健康風險的重要策略。本文透過跨國比較研究,探討各國登錄制的特性,母嬰健康風險的重視程度,以及資料使用的公共性。方法:本文選取英、美、瑞典、日本以及台灣,透過檔案資料與二手文獻進行制度比較,並針對台日參與政策制定的相關行動者進行深度訪談,作為補充資料。結果:英美瑞台都透過國家法令建立強制登錄制,日本則由醫學會主管,近年已達成100%的通報率。登錄內容逐漸趨向重視母嬰健康指標,而非僅是以成功率展示技術能力。英美瑞日台都十分重視體外授精的多胚胎植入數目以及多胞胎孕產率,有些並已提出「選擇性單一胚胎植入比例」,「足月、正常體重、單胞胎活產率」等新興指標。英美瑞在報告資料的詮釋與可讀性,提出創新設計;日台則僅限於專業社群閱讀,缺乏公共溝通性。結論:台灣是世界上少數全面長期追蹤人工協助生殖科技資料的國家,但是在母嬰健康風險指標的精進,以及公眾溝通的品質上仍十分不足,建議參考國際趨勢進行改革。
    Objectives: A national registry and public data reporting have together become an important strategy for health surveillance of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs). We have analyzed the development of registry systems, the tendency to highlight maternal and infant health risk, and the formats for public reporting based on a cross-national comparison. Methods: We selected the UK, US, Sweden, Japan, and Taiwan as countries for comparison. Archival data, secondary literature, and in-depth interviews of relevant policy-makers in Japan and Taiwan were included. Results: The UK, US, Sweden, and Taiwan have achieved compulsory registry through legal requirement. The Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology has adopted a voluntary reporting system, and has recently achieved a 100% reporting rate. Most countries gradually focus on the health risk for mothers and infants, rather than merely display the technical competence by calculating success rates. The number of multiple embryos transferred during IVF, and multiple pregnancy and live birth rates were shown to serve as important indicators of health risk surveillance. Some countries report new indicators, such as ”elective single embryo transfer rate” and ”term, normal weight, and singleton” live birth rate. The UK, US, and Sweden provide innovative formats to make reporting data accessible, readable, and useful for the general public. Taiwan and Japan limit its readership to professionals and lack efforts for broader public communication. Conclusions: Taiwan has one of the most complete ART registry systems in the world, but the surveillance on maternal and infant health and the quality of public reporting remains inadequate. To build evidence-based policy-making and to improve ART safety, surveillance reporting in Taiwan needs to meet the global standard.
  • 6-20
  • 10.6288/TJPH201736105099
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  • 罹患失智症對老人接受居家或機構護理照護結果之影響Effect of home or institutional health care on health outcomes in older people with dementia
  • 黃敬淳、吳肖琪
    Ching-Chun Huang, Shiao-Chi Wu
  • 失智症 ; 照護結果 ; 居家照護 ; 機構照護
    dementia?;?health outcome?;?home health care?;?institutional heath care
  • 目標:失智者會出現問題行為等徵狀,使其照顧比起一般人困難。國外研究發現失智者與非失智者在照護結果上存在差異,國內目前尚未有全國性研究探討失智者與非失智者在居家或機構護理之照護結果是否存在差異,故本研究目的為探討罹患失智症對居家或機構照護結果之影響。方法:採用回溯性世代研究,研究對象為2008年至2012年間首次使用健保居家照護時已滿65歲以上之新個案,依照護場域進行分層,並使用邏輯斯迴歸納入性別、年齡、共病症程度計算傾向分數後,以1:1方式進行失智組和參考組之配對。追蹤個案於收案日後一年內呼吸道感染、泌尿道感染、壓瘡、骨折及髖部骨折發生情形,並以Stepwise Cox proportional hazardmodel探討失智症與否對居家或機構照護結果之影響。結果:居家照護中失智組呼吸道感染(HR=1.11)、壓瘡(HR=1.43)風險顯著較高。結論:居家照護失智者呼吸道感染及壓瘡風險顯著較高。建議衛生主管機關持續透過機構評鑑增進機構照護結果及提升民眾失智症照護素養,建議服務提供者加強失智症照護技巧、協助轉介長照資源、給予家庭照顧者照顧指導。
    Objectives: Patients with dementia exhibit aggressive behavior, which makes it more difficult to care for them. Several studies have shown that there are differences in health outcomes between people with and without dementia; however, in Taiwan there has not been a national population-based study identifying whether or not health outcomes are different between people with and without dementia who receive home and institutional health care. Methods: The study adopted a retrospective cohort study design, and the subjects were elderly who used National Health Insurance Home Health Care for the first time between 2008 and 2012. Patients were stratified by care site and divided into two groups (dementia and non-dementia) using a propensity score with gender, age, and co-morbidity to match subjects. Each case was monitored from the day of entry until a respiratory tract infection, urinary tract infection, pressure ulcer, all fractures, or hip fracture occurred. Stepwise Cox proportional-hazards regression was used to analyze the effect of patients with dementia on health outcomes. Results: The dementia group receiving home health care had a higher risk for respiratory tract infections (AHR=1.11) and pressure ulcers (AHR=1.43) than the non-dementia group. Conclusions: Dementia patients are at a higher risk for respiratory tract infections and pressure ulcers than patients without dementia receiving home health care. Medical institutions should monitor health outcomes in the institutional setting and enhance the skills of family caregivers. Formal caregivers should strengthen the skills of dementia care, pass the long-term care information to patients who need it, and teach family caregivers the skills of caring for dementia patients.
  • 21 - 30
  • 10.6288/TJPH201736105074
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  • 評論:罹患失智症對老人接受居家或機構護理照護結果之影響Commentary: Effect of home or institutional health care on health outcomes in older people with dementia
  • 邱亨嘉

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  • 31 - 31
  • 10.6288/TJPH20163610507401
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  • 台灣地區極低出生體重早產兒兩歲追蹤結果對於五歲發展預後之預測Predicting 5-year developmental outcomes in very low birth weight preterm infants based on the 2-year follow-up evaluation
  • 張瑛珍、吳明鋗、楊長興、 詹偉添
    Ying-Chen Chang, Ming-Jiuan Wu, Chiang-Hsing Yang, Wai-Tim Jim
  • 早產兒 ; 極低出生體重 ; 追蹤 ; (神經)發展預後 ; 危險因子
    preterm infants ; very low birth weight ; follow up ; neurodevelopmental outcomes ; risk factors
  • 目標:出生體重1,500公克以下的極低出生體重早產兒是發展遲緩的高危險群。研究目的在探討2歲追蹤結果對於5歲長期發展預後的預測。方法:本回溯性研究以2001-2005年出生的極低出生體重早產兒為對象,資料取自二十一家合約醫院登錄在台灣早產兒基金會聯合追蹤小組資料庫。資料收集含括:出生狀況、新生兒罹病情形、家庭背景、父母社經地位、教育程度;2歲貝氏嬰兒發展量表(Bayley Scales of Infant Development Second Edition, BSID-Ⅱ)評估心智發展指數(mental development index, MDI)、動作發展指數(psychomotor development index,PDI);5歲魏氏量表(Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised, WPPSI-R)評估全量表智商(full scale intelligence quotient, FSIQ)指數等。並以多元邏輯斯回歸統計分析,探討影響5歲發展預後之預測因子。結果:940位早產兒中,111位(11.8%)2歲時心智發展正常(MDI≧85),5歲時心智發展遲緩(FSIQ<85)。2歲MDI、PDI<85、5分鐘ApgarScore<6分、父親低學歷、出生體重≦1,000克及母親低社經地位等,是影響5歲心智輕微發展遲緩的重要因子(達統計顯著差異)。結論:極低出生體重早產兒2歲時發展雖然正常,但5歲時卻可能成為發展遲緩的高危險群。建議所有早產兒應追蹤直到5歲,並提供發展遲緩的孩子早期療育。
    Objectives: Preterm infants with a birth weight < 1,500 gm (very low birth weight [VLBW]) are a high-risk group for developmental delay. The purpose of this study was to determine the predictors of 5-year developmental outcomes in VLBW preterm infants based on the 2-year follow-up evaluation. Methods: All VLBW preterm infants were retrospectively recruited in this study between 2001 and 2005 using a large population-based cohort of VLBW infants from 21 neonatology departments registered in the database of the Premature Baby Foundation of Taiwan. Data, including condition at birth, socioeconomic status, educational level, family background, and neonatal morbidities, were collected. The mental development index (MDI) and psychomotor development index (PDI) were determined according to the second edition of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID-II) at 2 years of age. Also, the full scale intelligence quotient (FSIQ) was determined according to the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R) at 5 years of age. Multiple logistic regression was used to identify the predictors of 5-year outcomes. Results: Among 940 VLBW preterm infants, 111 (11.8%) had normal development (MDI > 85) at 2 years of age, but developmental delay (FSIQ < 85) at 5 years of age. A MDI < 85, PDI < 85, APGAR score < 6 at 5 min, birth weight ? 1,000 g, father with a low education level, or a mother with a low socioeconomic status were significant predictors of developmental outcomes at 5 years of age. Conclusions: VLBW preterm infants may have normal development at 2 years of age; however, VLBW preterm infants are also a high-risk group for developmental delay at 5 years of age. Thus, all VLBW infants should be followed until 5 years of age. Early intervention for developmental delay children is necessary.
  • 32 - 43
  • 10.6288/TJPH201736105084
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  • 不吸菸者對於二手菸接受意願與願受價格之初探A pilot study to estimate the willingness to accept of the secondhand smoking from current non-smokers
  • 李玉春、 張麗娟、陳珮青
    Yue-Chune Lee, Li-Chuan Chang, Pei-Ching Chen
  • 二手菸 ; 願受價格
    second-hand smoking ; willingness to accept (WTA)
  • 目標:探究不吸菸者對二手菸接受意願以及願意接受補貼的價格及其影響因素。方法:本研究為橫斷性研究,資料來自國民健康署2013年及2015年菸品健康福利捐全國電話訪問調查,以統計次數及百分比呈現基本特質分佈情形,以邏輯斯迴歸分析影響二手菸接受意願因素,及多元邏輯斯迴歸分析二手菸願受價格因素。結果:研究對象為現在不吸菸者(含從未吸菸與過去吸菸者),兩年樣本為1,926人,樣本大多為女性(55.04%)、60歲以上(22.95%)、大學以上 (35.90%)、已婚(70.26%)、無職業(45.70%)、從未吸菸(90.05%)。不吸菸者有74.39%不願意接受補貼,願意接受二手菸補償價格平均為272元。邏輯斯迴歸分析發現,年代、性別、年齡、吸菸狀態為影響接受二手菸補貼意願之因素,即2015年、男性、較年輕族群(18-49歲)、過去吸菸者傾向願意接受二手菸之補貼。結論:不吸菸者約七成五不願意接受二手菸補貼,而願意接受二手菸補償價格平均為272元。過去吸菸、男性、年輕者會影響不吸菸者接受二手菸補貼之意願。初探研究成果可提供政府訂定二手菸排放汙染費最低標準之參考。
    Objectives: This study explores whether nonsmokers are willing to accept secondhand smoke, and factors associated with the behavior. Methods: The study design used the data of 2013 and 2015 Tobacco Health and Welfare Surcharge Telephone Survey obtained from the Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare. The two computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) surveys recruited a nationally representative sample of adults aged 18 and older in 2013 and 2015. We analyzed factors associated with the acceptance of secondhand smoke exposure using logistic and multinomial regression analysis. Results: Among 1926 persons, there were 55.0% women, 23.0% over 60 years old, 35.1% with higher education, 70.3% married and 45.7% unemployed. With 90.05% of never smokers, most nonsmokers (74.39%) did not want to accept the subsidy. Those who were willing to accept secondhand smoke would like to have a mean subsidy of NTD 272, ranged from NTD 256 to 290 for each secondhand smoke exposure. Results of the logistic regression analysis showed that participants of year 2015 (compared to year 2013), males, younger groups (18-29 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years), and former smokers (compared to never smokers) tends to be willing to accept subsidy for a second-hand smoke exposure. Conclusions: Approximately 75% of non-smokers were unwilling to accept the secondhand smoke subsidy. Ex-smokers and young men were more likely to accept the subsidies ranged from NTD 256 to 290 for each exposure.
  • 44 - 53
  • 10.6288/TJPH201736105088
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  • 台灣學齡前兒童電視觀賞時間的相關因素及其對肥胖之影響:一項橫斷性研究Influence of amount time watching television on obesity and associated factors among preschool children in Taiwan: a cross-sectional study
  • 張鳳菊、 陳清祥、黃永寬、周宏室、 前橋明、廖建彰
    Feng-Chu Chang, Ching-Hsiang Chen, Yuan-Kung Haung, Hung-Shih Chou, Akira Maehashi, Chien-Chang Liao
  • 學齡前兒童 ; 電視觀賞 ; 肥胖
    preschool children ; time of television viewing ; obesity
  • 目標:本研究目的在探討台灣學齡前兒童電視觀賞時間的相關因素及其對肥胖之影響。方法:本研究在2015-2016年以系統隨機抽樣方式,對全台灣共54家幼兒園的2-6歲學齡前兒童進行問卷調查。問卷內容包括研究對象人口社會資料、身高、體重及生活型態。我們利用多變項羅吉斯迴歸分析,計算與電視觀賞時間過長的相關因素及電視觀賞時間與肥胖之勝算比及95%信賴區間。結果:在3,492位學齡前兒童中,肥胖盛行率為12.6%,每日電視觀賞時間平均為92.7分鐘。學齡前兒童肥胖、年齡、主要照顧者教育程度、晚餐前零食攝取、睡眠時間、早餐時的電視觀賞時間、遊戲時間及戶外遊戲時間是學齡前兒童電視觀賞時間過長的相關因素。相較於電視觀賞時間小於60分鐘的學齡前兒童,電視觀賞時間超過120分鐘的學齡前兒童肥胖勝算比為1.90(95%信賴區間=1.28-2.82),且每增加30分鐘的電視觀賞時間,學齡前兒童肥胖的風險增加(勝算比=1.10,95%信賴區間=1.06-1.15)。結論:台灣2-6歲學齡前兒童的電視觀賞時間與肥胖有關。
    Objectives: Sedentary behavior may be a risk factor for obesity. This study evaluated the association between the amount of time watching television and obesity among preschool children in Taiwan. Methods: We used systematic random sampling and questionnaires to survey preschool children 2-6 years of age among 54 preschools in Taiwan. The information elicited by the questionnaires included socioeconomic characteristics, height, weight, and lifestyle. We used multivariate logistic regressions to calculate the adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of obesity associated with the amount of time television was watched. Results: The prevalence of obesity was 12.6% and the average of amount of time television was watched was 92.7 min among 3,492 children. Obesity and age of preschool children, parents' level of education, pre-dinner snacking, duration of sleep, watching television during breakfast, amount of play time, and amount of time spent on outdoor physical activities were factors associated with excessive television viewing amongst preschool children. Compared with children who watched television for ? 60 min, children who watched television > 120 min were at a higher risk for obesity (OR=1.90; 95% CI=1.28-2.82). Moreover, when preschool children increased the amount of time television was watched by 30 min, the risk of obesity was increased (OR=1.10; 95% CI=1.06- 1.15). Conclusions: The amount of time television was watched was associated with obesity among preschool children 2-6 years of age in Taiwan.
  • 54 - 63
  • 10.6288/TJPH201736105093
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  • 電視食品廣告暴露對國小學童飲食相關行為的影響The influence of television food advertising exposure on eating-related behaviors among elementary school children
  • 魏米秀、陳建宏
    Mi-Hsiu Wei, Chien-Hung Chen
  • 電視 ; 食品廣告 ; 廣告暴露 ; 兒童 ; 飲食行為
    ?television?;?food advertising?;?advertising exposure?;?children?;?eating behavior
  • 目標:本研究目的在探討國小學童暴露於不利健康點心(unhealthy snacks [UHSs])電視廣告對其飲食相關行為的影響。方法:採橫斷式問卷調查,研究對象為12所國小的3-6年級學童共1,043名。以結合兒童自我報告收視行為及電視食品廣告內容分析資料來測量UHS廣告暴露量。不利健康食品包括:「澱粉油炸類零食」、「餅乾、蛋糕、西點」、「糖果、巧克力」、「含糖飲料」及「西式速食」。資料分析方式為階層複迴歸。結果:在控制性別、年齡、BMI、靜態活動時間、UHS家庭可獲性及學校地區都市化程度後,「UHS廣告暴露」可顯著增加對「UHS食品慾望」(ΔR^2=.011, p<.001)、「UHS食品要求」(ΔR^2=.004, p<.05)及「UHS飲食頻率」(ΔR^2=.003, p<.05)的解釋力。「UHS廣告暴露」與上述飲食行為呈正向關連,學童暴露於不利健康食品廣告愈多,不利健康飲食行為愈多。結論:不利健康食品電視廣告對兒童的健康飲食行為有負向影響。本研究實證結果支持政府採取規範兒童食品廣告的政策,並建議發展介入策略以提高兒童對不利健康食品廣告的防禦能力。
    Objectives: This study aimed to examine the relationship between exposure to television advertising for unhealthy snacks (UHSs) and subsequent eating-related behaviors among elementary school children in Taiwan. Methods: Third to sixth grade students were recruited from 12 elementary schools in Taiwan in order to conduct cross-sectional surveys based on questionnaires. The sample comprised 1043 students. Estimates for the exposure to UHS advertising were obtained by combining self-reported television viewing behavior with advertising data obtained from broadcasters. UHS products included ”starch-based fried snacks,” ”cookies, cakes, and desserts,” ”candies and chocolate,” ”sugar-sweetened drinks,” and ”fast-food meals.” Hierarchical multiple regression was used for data analysis. Results: After controlling for age, gender, BMI, sedentary time, availability of UHSs in the home, and the degree of urbanization of the school location, the UHS advertising exposure was shown to account for significant additional variance in children’s desires (?R^2 = .011, p < .001) and requests (?R^2 = .004, p < .05) related to UHSs as well as their consumption frequencies of UHSs (?R^2 = .003, p < .05). Positive linear relationships were observed between the number of UHS advertisements to which children were exposed and their unhealthy eating-related behaviors. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that television advertising for UHSs can have a negative effect on the healthy dietary behaviors of children. The findings provide evidence to support calls for regulating television advertising for food aimed at children as well as the development of interventions for improving children’s defenses against advertising for UHSs.
  • 64 - 76
  • 10.6288/TJPH201736105100
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  • 以健康信念模式探討台灣北部大學生接種人類乳突病毒疫苗之行為意圖及相關因素研究Factors associated with university students' intention to receive human papillomavirus vaccination in northern Taiwan: a heath belief model approach
  • 黃莉芸、 張鳳琴、苗迺芳
    Li-Yun Huang, Fong-Ching Chang, Nae-Fang Miao
  • 健康信念模式 ; 人類乳突病毒疫苗 ; HPV疫苗接種行為意圖 ; 大學生
    health belief model ; HPV vaccine ; HPV vaccination intention ; university students
  • 目標:本研究旨在以健康信念模式探討大學生接種人類乳突病毒疫苗之行為意圖及相關因素。方法:本研究採立意取樣,選取103學年度第二學期就讀台灣北部3所大學的學生,以自填式問卷進行調查,共分析533人,有效問卷率97%。以複迴歸檢視影響大學生接種人類乳突病毒疫苗之意圖。結果:大學生HPV相關知識偏中高程度,HPV行動線索主要來源是從學校、媒體及衛生單位。HPV行動線索、HPV自覺罹患性、HPV疫苗自覺行動利益、HPV疫苗自我效能與HPV疫苗行為意圖呈顯著正相關;HPV疫苗自覺行動障礙與HPV疫苗行為意圖呈顯著負相關。整體而言,大學生HPV行動線索、HPV自覺罹患性、HPV疫苗自我效能可有效預測HPV疫苗接種行為意圖。依性別,影響男性HPV疫苗接種行為意圖之因子包括HPV自覺罹患性、HPV疫苗自我效能;而影響女性之因子為年級、HPV行動線索、HPV疫苗自我效能。結論:衛生單位可增加HPV疫苗訊息的暴露,來強化HPV行動線索,及增加HPV相關活動來提升大學生HPV自覺罹患性、HPV疫苗自我效能,增進學生HPV疫苗接種之意圖。
    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore factors associated with university students' intention to receive human papillomavirus vaccination (HPV). Methods: Using the purposive sampling method, the present study queried 533 undergraduate students from three universities in northern Taiwan in 2015. Self-administered structured questionnaires were used. The effective response rate was 97%. Multivariate regression was used to analyze the data. Results: Overall, university students had average/high scores for their level of knowledge about HPV. HPV cues to action were mainly from schools, media and healthcare providers. HPV cues to action, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, and self-efficacy were positively associated with intention for HPV vaccination, while perceived barriers was negatively associated with such intention. Generally speaking, HPV cues to action, perceived susceptibility to HPV, and self-efficacy could predict intention for HPV vaccination. By gender, the factors associated with male students' HPV intention included perceived susceptibility to HPV and self-efficacy; female students' factors included grade, cue to action and self-efficacy. Conclusions: We suggest that health sectors should increase exposure to messages about the HPV vaccine in order to increase cues to action, and conduct HPV educational activities to improve students' perceived susceptibility and self-efficacy with regard to HPV vaccination.
  • 77 - 86
  • 10.6288/TJPH201736105095
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  • 台灣新竹縣市廢棄藥物檢收行為與品項調查Behavior and item survey of disposed medicines in Hsinchu, Taiwan
  • 王四切、李璧瑤、陸海林、王惠蓉、許宮銓
    Tzu-Chueh Wang, Pi-Yao Lee, Hai-Lin Lu, Hui-Jung Wang, Kung-Chuan Hsu
  • 廢棄藥物 ; 剩藥 ; 醫療廢棄藥物 ; 廢棄藥物檢收
    medicine disposal ; unused and expired medicine ; medicine waste ; disposed medicines
  • 目標:藥物對環境造成的污染及生態改變為值得正視的問題,也是世界各國政府甚為關注之議題。各先進國家如美、英、加拿大等耗費在廢棄藥品及醫療廢棄物上的費用逐年增加。本研究目的為1.瞭解民眾對政府宣導廢棄藥物政策及處理方式的認知。2.瞭解其產出來源及種類。3.針對目前之處理機制提出建議及改善之道。方法:本研究自新竹縣市民眾至社區藥局或醫院藥局丟棄廢棄藥物者施以問卷調查,瞭解及分析藥物種類、成因及是否與醫療從業人員有關而導致的廢棄藥物。結果:年齡層與學歷於社區藥局與妥善處理廢棄藥品之認知,以71歲以上者較差;高中職以下者較佳且有顯著性差異性(p<0.05)。年齡層與職業對家中廢棄藥物處理方式以71歲以上者較差;學生者較差且有顯著性之差異(p<0.001)。檢收藥物數量排名以抗血栓藥Bokey(Aspirin 100 mg)最多;其次為輕瀉劑或制酸劑的MgO(Magnesium Oxide)與止痛藥Tinten(Acetaminophen 500 mg)。結論:發現在社區藥局檢收者希望居住社區可設有檢收站,檢收藥物中依數量以抗血栓、感冒、胃腸藥等最多;依金額則以抗腫瘤藥最高,未來廣設檢收點時可多了解廢棄原因以減少藥物的廢棄,並建議在用藥安全教育可帶入廢棄藥物檢收流程;於藥袋上標示藥物回收等標語,讓更多民眾了解廢棄藥物管道,以減少因錯誤處置對社會環境的傷害。
    Objectives: Pharmaceutical products are serious environmental pollutants all around the world. The introduction of the National Health Insurance Program has increased public accessibility to medication in Taiwan, but it has also led to large increases in medication waste. Methods: In this study, questionnaires were distributed to people disposing of medications at community pharmacies and hospitals in the Hsinchu area of Taiwan, and the names and quantities of medicines disposed of were analyzed. Results: The respondents suggested that there should be more medicine-receiving stations, as they were concerned that incorrect disposal of medicine waste would induce environmental pollution. The count of medicines showed that the most frequently disposed of medicines were Bokey (Aspirin 100 mg), followed by MgO (Magnesium Oxide) and Titen (Acetaminophen 500 mg). Conclusions: It is suggested that it is more important to know why people dispose of medicines than to establish more receiving stations. It is also recommended that methods of dealing with unused or expired medicines should be included in school education programs about safe use of medications. This could be implemented in many ways, such as by devising slogans, making and displaying posters, and using social media such as FB, Line, blogs, and other apps to publicize correct methods of medicine disposal. It is suggested that such measures can raise public awareness, and contribute to reducing this type environmental pollution.
  • 87 - 94
  • 10.6288/TJPH201736105111