2022/07/08 [最新預刊]


本演講回顧並探討我們從新冠肺炎全球大流行當中學到的某些關鍵教訓,以及它們對全球公共衛生的衝擊。做為公共衛生學界的我們,將如何藉由我們的研究、教學, 以及與決策者和社會大眾的合作,對因應這些重大挑戰做出貢獻?我們將一切如常、照章行事,或是能夠自我提升?如果是後者, 我們的目標為何?同時我們該如何重塑、重新定義,與提升我們的三項使命(研究、教學,與社區服務)以達成這些目標?重要的是,全球公衛學界應該如何連結起來、共同因應即將來臨的公衛挑戰?

  • 預定刊載卷期:台灣衛誌 2022;41(3)
  • 學術講座 Academic Lecture
  • John R. Finnegan Jr
  • 新冠肺炎、全球公共衛生、大流行、公共衛生學界的挑戰
    COVID-19, global public health, pandemic, challenges for academic public health
  • 本演講回顧並探討我們從新冠肺炎全球大流行當中學到的某些關鍵教訓,以及它們對全球公共衛生的衝擊。做為公共衛生學界的我們,將如何藉由我們的研究、教學, 以及與決策者和社會大眾的合作,對因應這些重大挑戰做出貢獻?我們將一切如常、照章行事,或是能夠自我提升?如果是後者, 我們的目標為何?同時我們該如何重塑、重新定義,與提升我們的三項使命(研究、教學,與社區服務)以達成這些目標?重要的是,全球公衛學界應該如何連結起來、共同因應即將來臨的公衛挑戰?
    This presentation is a review and discussion of some of the crucial lessons we are learning from the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on global public health. How will we in the public health academic community contribute to addressing these challenges through our research, our teaching, and our engagement with policymakers and the public? Is it business as usual or do we “step up our game?” If the latter, what are our goals, and how should we reshape, re-frame and re-energize our three missions (research, education, community engagement) to achieve them? Importantly, what can we in academic public health do to connect ourselves better globally for coming public health challenges?
  • 235 - 248
  • http://bit.ly/3r4HS9R