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  • 台北市有偶婦女接受子宮頸抹片檢查影響因素之探討The Utilization of Pap Smear of Married Women in Taipei
  • 簡大任、季瑋珠
    Ta-Jen Chien, Wei-Chu Chi
  • 抹片檢查 ; 子宮頸癌
    Pap smear ; cervical cancer
  • 本研究目的在針對台灣地區婦女接受抹片檢查比率偏低之現象,探討影響婦女接受抹片檢查之相關因素,所採用的理論模式架構為「PRECEDE衛生教育診斷架構」。本研究以台北市為研完社區,以「按人口比率機率抽樣法」抽出原始樣本有偶婦女600人,以家庭訪視方法完成問卷調查435人(完成率72.5%),經統計分析後發現:台北市有偶婦女曾接受抹片檢查者有57.9%,其中定期接受抹片檢查者僅23.2%,從不接受抹片檢查之婦女高達42.1%;曾接受抹片檢查婦女的相關特性為:子宮頸癌基本常識認知較高、知識來源多、有固定婦產科醫院診所、有較多親友勸說或有親友較常勸說者。定期接受抹片檢查婦女的相關特性為:知識來源多、有因定之婦產科醫院診所、認為可方便找到抹片檢查場所、及有較多親友曾接受抹片檢查或親友較常接受抹片檢查者。而對抹片檢查態度消極者則對抹片檢查不論定期與否均較不可能接受。 根據以上結果,要使婦女接受抹片檢查,提早發現子宮頸癌,減少死亡率。政府應加強並擴大婦女之預防保健知識來源,提倡國定之醫病關係,提高抹片檢查之方便性,並鼓勵曾受檢者說服親友接受抹片檢查,以早期發現早期治療,減少醫療成本支出,同時確保婦女健康。而鑒於影響婦女是否曾或定期接受抹片檢查之因素往往不同,所以政府在制訂婦女醫療保健服務利用計畫時,應針對不同之目的,於計畫中考量不同影響因素,如此推動婦女醫療保健服務利用工作才能收事半功倍之效。
    The rate of women's taking Pap smear in Taiwan, compared with that in the developed countries, is much lower. Based on Green's PRECEDE Model, this study tried to find out the possible propagation difficulties and help our government advocate Pap smears. According to sampling with probability proportional to size, Six hundred married women in Taipei were chosen. Totally 435 women were successfully interviewed. These interviewees aged from 30 to 70, The completion rate was 72.5 percent. There were 23.2 percent of the subjects taking Pap smears annually. It was concluded that the enabling factors included, well informed, being influenced by the relatives taking Pap smear, and having obstetrical checkups easily and regularly. In order to increase the rate of women's taking Pap smear, spreading the health knowledge and estbalishing the doctor-patient ties should be encouraged. It was also suggested that the costs of Pap smears should be either covered by the health insurance or subsidized by the national exchequer. Based on these suggestion, cervical cancer will be detected earlier and women's health can be protected.
  • 111 - 128
  • 10.6288/CJPH1995-14-02-01
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  • 包陷式混合微生物處理食品有機廢水之動力模式The Kinetics of Entrapped Mixed Microorganisms for Treating Organic Wastewater from Food Industry
  • 徐儆暉、林宜長
    Jin-Huei Hsu, Yi-Chang Lin
  • 包陷法 ; 廢水處理 ; 生物動力學
    entrapment method ; wastewater treatment ; biokinetics
  • 本研究利用生物包陷(entrapment)技術,固定混合微生物(mixed-microorganisms)於三醋酸纖維酯(cellulose triacetate)上,以此作為載體(carrier);將此載體填充固定於反應管柱內,進行食品有機廢水之處理。本廢水處理系統為連續式;且反應管柱之水流方式近於完全混合。本報告孫研究本廢水處理系統處理食品有機廢水時之動力學,求出本系統之動力學模式。 分析結果顯示,本廢水處理系統之基質利用率與入流水基質濃度之關係可以下式表示: υ=K1×So-K2 υ:基質利用率,單位mg/L-hr K1:常數,單位1/hr So:入流水COD濃度,單位mg/L K2:常數,單位mg/L-hr。
    The present study used mixed microorganisms entrapped in cellulose triacetate as a carrier, and packed the carrier into a reactor column to treat organic wastewater from food industry. The wastewater treatment system was a continuous flow and completely mixed reactor column. The present study analyzed the kinetics of this wastewater treatment system. The result shows that the substrate utilization rate is proportional to the substrate concentration in the influent, and can be described as below: ?=K1×So-K2 ?: substrate utilization rate, mg/L-hr K1: constant, 1/hr So: COD concentration in influent, mg/L K2: constant, mg/L-hr.
  • 129 - 138
  • 10.6288/CJPH1995-14-02-02
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  • 台灣地區國中學童黃麴毒素暴露量的生物測定Biological Monitoring of Aflatoxin Exposures among Junior High School Students in Taiwan
  • 周珊如、王亮月、鄭雅文、謝玲玲、陳建仁
    Shan-Ju Chou, Liang-Yueh Wang, Ya-Wen Chang, Ling-Ling Hsieh, Chien-Jen Chen
  • 黃麴毒素 ; 肝癌 ; 尿液測定
    aflatoxin ; hepatocellular carcinoma ; urine analysis
  • 臺灣地區為B型肝炎以及肝癌高盛行的地區,為評估臺灣地區居民黃麴毒素的暴露量,自20個鄉鎮區選取501名國中學童,每名收集隔夜的尿液,以酵素聯結免疫吸附法來分析個體黃麴毒素的暴露狀況。此研完對象的黃麴毒素的陽性率為10.6%。根據對數複迴歸分析,黃麴毒素陽性率與尿液採集月份、都市發展程度、居住地肝癌的年齡標準化死亡率以及是否攝食帶殼花生、花生醬、花生粉或花生糖等任一種花生製品有顯著相關。在四、五月收集的尿液檢體相對於一、三月的尿液有較高的陽性率,相對危險性為1.9(P=0.03);高肝癌死亡率地區相對於低肝癌死亡率地區有較高的陽性率,相對危險性為2.1(P=0.07);中度都市發展程度地區相對於都市發展低度或高度地區也有較高的陽性率,相對危險性為2.2(P=0.01):如果攝食帶殼花生、花生醬、花生粉或花生糖等任一種花生製品,相對於未吃上述四種花生製品的相對危險性為2.7(P=0.001)。雖然問卷調查可粗略評估個體黃麴毒素的暴露量,但是仍必須考慮季節性差異、個人及個體間的差異、食物型態及來源。因此要反應個人層次的黃麴毒素的暴露量及代謝的差異,有必要進行生物監測。
    In order to assess aflatoxin exposure among residents in Taiwan where hepatitis B virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma are hyperendemic, a total of 501 junior high school students were recruited from 20 townships and precincts. Overnight urine samples were collected from study subjects and analyzed for the presence of aflatoxins by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The overall aflatoxin positive rate was 10.6%. Based on multiple logistic regression analysis, the aflatoxin positive rate was significantly associated with the season of sample collection. urbanizational level, and age-adjusted liver cancer mortality of residential area, and intake of peanut products, including shelled peanut, peanut butter, peanut powder or peanut candy. Urine samples collected in April and May had a higher positive rate than those collected in January and March with an odds ratio of 1.9 (P=0.03); the positive rate was also higher in areas of higher liver cancer mortality than in areas of low liver cancer mortality with an odds ratio of 2.1(P=0.07); the positive rate was also higher in areas of moderate urbanizational level than in areas of high or low urbanizational levels with an odds ratio of 2.2 (p=0.01); intake of any peanut products including shelled peanut , peanut butter, peanut powder or peanut candy had an odds ratio of 2.7(P=0.001). Although questionnaire interview may be useful to estimate roughly aflatoxin exposure, cautions have to be paid on seasonal variation, intra- or inter-individual variability, and varieties and sources of food items. It is necessary to conduct the biologic monitoring to assess aflatoxin exposure and its metabolism at the individual level.
  • 139 - 149
  • 10.6288/CJPH1995-14-02-03
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  • 八十學年度台北市國中新生之體型與父母體型的關係研究A Study of Obesity in Seventh Graders and Their Parents at Taipei City, 1991: The Familial Resemblances of Height, Weight and Body Fatness
  • 李燕鳴、李蘭、吳裴瑤
    Yin-Ming Li, Lee-Lan Yen, Pei-Youg Wu
  • 肥胖 ; 青少年 ; 父母
    Obesity ; adolescent ; parents
  • 為瞭解學生與父母體型之相關情形,以台北市立國民中學八十學年度全體新生兵47.173人為母群體,採系統集束抽樣,選出1174名樣本為調查對象。學生除集體填答問卷,並接受身高、體重及皮脂厚度測量外,另攜問卷回家由父母親自填答有關自已及家庭的資料。結果發現學生的父親和母親體型過重者分別佔20.6%和16.5%;已達肥胖標準者分別為5.9%和3.5%。學生和父母體型的相關值為:身高介於0.21-0.34之間;體重介於0.22-0.34之間;體質指數介於0.21-0.36之間。學生以三頭肌及肩胛肌兩皮脂厚度之平均值為體型指標之分佈來看,當父母二人體型都過重或肥胖時,學生的兩皮脂厚度平均值等於20.0或以上之比率佔43.5%;落在平均值加上一個標準差的比率為37.5%。除父母體質指數外,學生的活動消耗熱量及高熱量食物攝取頻率,也影響學生體型是否肥胖的相關因素,但後兩因素與肥胖程度出現相反的關係。本研究結果可作為發展青少年體重控制計劃的參考。
    In order to understand the resemblances of obesity in adolescent and their parents, a cross-sectional survey was conducted in 1991. A systematic sampling procedure by cluster was employed, 1174 subjects were selected from Taipei City Junior High Schools which included 47,173 seventh graders. The subjects were asked to complete a set of questionaire. A measurement of height, weight and skinfold thickness were also administered. Then students brought another questionaire home and asked their parents to complete their personal and family information. The prevalence rates of overweight were 20.6% for fathers and 16.5% for mothers. The prevalence rates of obesity were 5.9% of fathers and 3.5% of mothers. The correlation coefficients was 0.21 to 0.34 of height, 0.22 to 0.34 of weight and 0.21 to 0.36 of body mass index between the parents and students. The mean of tricep and subscapular skinfold thickness was adopted as criteria. There were 43.5% students whose mean of the two skinfolds' thickness above 20 and 37.5% students whose mean of the two skinfolds above mean plus one standard derviation for the students whose parents were overweight or obese. Not only parents' fatness, but also frequency of high caloric foods intake or energy comsuming exercises were major related factors, but the latter two factors were in negative association. The results from this study can be used in designing adolescent weight control intervention program.
  • 150 - 158
  • 10.6288/CJPH1995-14-02-04
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  • 血清維生素A濃度與肝癌相關性之重疊病例對照研究Serum Retinol Level and Liver Cancer in Taiwan: A Nested Case-Control Study
  • 謝秀幸、于明暉、 潘文涵、楊照雄、陳建仁
    Hsiu-Hsing Hsieh, Ming-Whei Yu, Wen-Harn Pan, Czau-Siung Yang, Chien-Jen Chen
  • 維生素A ; 肝癌 ; 重疊病例對照研究
    Vitamin A ; Liver Cancer ; Nested Case-control Study
  • 本研究係利用重疊病例對照研究法,探計血清維生素A和肝癌發生的關係。對9775名台灣地區男性世代追蹤六年後,發現35名肝癌病例。再以年齡、居住地、採血時間配對方式,選取140名健康對照。所有研究對象於進入研究之初即已採血並貯存血清於-30℃。在調整B型肝炎帶原狀態、黃綠色蔬菜攝食頻率、素食習慣之後,血清維生素A對肝癌有顯著的保護作用,血清維生素A濃度和肝癌危險性之間有顯著的負向劑量效應關係。進一步只分析血清檢體採集至發病之時間間隔在一年以上的肝癌病例及其對照之血清維生素A,亦有相同的趨勢。利用多變項條件對數複迴歸分析,調整B型肝炎帶原狀態、血清維生素A、素食習慣等危險因子後,黃綠色蔬菜每週攝食少於10餐者,其得肝癌之危險性,為每週攝食10餐以上者的9.95倍(95% C.I.:1.42~69.92)。蔬菜中除含類胡蘿蔔素外,也含有其他營養素,又攝食蔬菜較多者,也可能有較健康的生活型態。黃綠色蔬菜攝食頻率所反映的保護作用,仍有持進一步探討。
    Nutrients play important roles in human carcinogenesis. To investigate the relationship between serum retinol level and subsequent risk of liver cancer, a nested case-control study was conducted within a cohort of 9775 male adults recruited from 1984 to 1986. A total of 35 liver cases newly diagnosed during the follow-up period were identified, and 140 cancer-free controls matched to liver cancer cases on age, residential area, and time of blood collection were also randomly selected. The blood samples collected in 1984-1986 from all study subjects were stored at -30? until examinations. Serum retinol levels of cases and controls were determined by high performance liquid chromatography blindly. There was a significant association between serum retinol level and risk of liver cancer. After adjustment for HBsAg carrier status, darkgreen and yollow vegotable consumption frequency, vegetarian habit; the odds ratio of developing liver cancer for those who had the highest serum retinol level was 0.03 (95% confidence interval = 0.002~0.42) compared with those who had the lowest level as the referent. There was also a statistically significant dose-response relation between serum retinol level and liver cancer risk. In the further analysis of data for cases who developed liver cancer after 1987 and their matched controls, the association remained unchanged. After adjustment for HBsAg carrier status, serum retinol level, and vegetarian habit; the odds ratio of developing liver cancer for those who consumed darkgreen and yollow vegotable less than ten meals per week was 9.95 (95% confidence interval=1.42~69.9) compared with those who consumed more than ten meals a week as the referent.
  • 159 - 168
  • 10.6288/CJPH1995-14-02-05
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  • 台灣地區十大死因聯合部分去除對平均壽命之影響The Effect of Jointly Partial Elimination of the Ten Leading Causes of Death on Life Expectancy in Taiwan
  • 林正祥
    Cheng-Hsiang Lin
  • 聯合部分去除 ; 平均壽命 ; 工作年齡群 ; 多因併除生命表
    jointly partial elimination ; life expectancy ; working age group ; multiple-decrement life table
  • 本研究探討了有關台灣地區十大死因同時聯合去除某特定百分比時對平均壽命之影響,吾等發現若將十犬死因同時完全去除(去除百分比100%),則自出生起男、女性之平均餘命將分別增加16.29年及13.97年而達87.83歲及90.51歲。在0歲,40歲及65歲時十大死因同時被去除10%,20%,…,100%時,平均餘命之獲得和去除百分比呈二次曲線上升:0歲和40歲時男性平均餘命之獲得皆高於女性,在65歲時則女性略高於男性。且在十大死因聯合去除10%,50%或100%時,男、女平均餘命之獲得因年齡之增長而呈二次曲線下降,0~60歲間男性平均餘命之獲得均高於女性,惟60歲以後差異減少,女性甚而較男性為高。此外,由於工作年齡群(15-65歲)對國家經濟發展影響至鉅,故乃針對此一特定年齡群,算出十大死因聯合部分去除對平均餘命影響之迴歸模式,在控制年齡、性別等因素下,求出其十大死因去除不同百分比迴歸係數所佔之百分比(符號略),此可視為十大死因間競爭性風險對平均餘命之影響程度,其依序為腦血管疾病(21.3%)、惡性腫瘤(20.5%)、心臟病(20%)、意外災害(8.6%)、肺炎(5.8%)、糖尿病(5.8%)、高血壓(5.2%)、支氣管疾病(5.2%)、腎臟病(3.9%)及慢性肝病(3.6%),此當有助於政府相關部門預防十大死因預算之合理分配。
    This paper studies the effect of jointly partial elimination of the ten leading causes of death on life expectancy in Taiwan. We find that when all the ten causes of death are simultaneously eliminated, the life expectancy of male and female are incresed by 16.23 years and 13.97 years respectively. At age 0,40 and 65, when the ten causes are simultaneously eliminated at 10%, 20%,…, and 100%, the life expectancy increases almost quadratically. At age 0 and 40 the gain in life expectncy of male is greater than that of female, but at age 65 the gain of female is greater than that of male; also at the eliminating rates of 10%, 50% and 100% the gain in life expectancy of male is greater than that of female between age 0 and age 60 while the gain of life expectancy of female might be greater than that of male after age 60. In addition, we investigate the gain of years of working age group. Through adjustments of age and sex, we contruct a regression function of the gain of life expectancy on the percentage of jointly partial elimination of the ten causes. By using the partial regression coefficients (ß's), we can figure out each corresponding percentage (the symbol is abbreviated) of the ten leading causes of death. This can be regarded as the effect of competing risks among the ten leading causes of death on life expectancy. The higher the corresponding percentage, the more impact of the cause of death on the life expectancy. By controlling age and sex the order of corresponding percentage of regression coefficients of the ten leading causes of death are Cerebrovascular disease (21.3%), Malignant neoplasm (20.5%), Heart disease (20%), Accident (8.6%), Pneumonia (5.8%), Diabetes (5.8%), Hypertension (5.2%), Bronchitis (5.2%), Nephritis (3.9%) and Chronic Liver Disease (3.6%). This shows the relative effect on life expectancy among the ten leading causes of death at working age group. Based on the cost-benefit standpoint, this result would help allocating the budget for setting an effective preventive programs of the government.
  • 169 - 178
  • 10.6288/CJPH1995-14-02-06
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  • 台灣地區死因統計準確度評估(Ⅰ):可能錯誤來源與評估方法Evaluating the Validity of Cause-Of-Death Statistics in Taiwan (?): Sources of Possible Errors and Methods of Evaluation
  • 呂宗學、石台平、賴華山、李麗雪、李孟智、周明智
    Tsung-Hsueh Lu, Tai-Ping Shih, Hwa-Shan Lai, Li-Shu Lee, Meng-Chih Lee, Ming-Chih Chou
  • 死亡診斷書 ; 死因統計 ; 準確度 ; 評估
    Death certificate ; Cause-of-death Statistics ; Validity ; Evaluation
  • 本文是死因統計準確度評估系列研究的第一報,首先針對台灣死因統計的可能錯誤來源作一概念架構的建立與釐清;第二部份介紹死因統計準確度評估的常用方法;最後再建議未來台灣地區死因統計準確度評估研究的方向與重點。
    This is the first report of cause-of-death statistics validity evaluation series. The first part of this report proposed a framework for conceptualizing the possible soures of errors. The second part reviewed evaluation methods, discussing their strengths and limitations In the final part we proposed several directions and focal points for evaluating the validing of cause-of-death statistics in Taiwan.
  • 179 - 190
  • 10.6288/CJPH1995-14-02-07
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  • 一般經期舆更年期自述症状的研究Menopausal Symptoms Reported by Women in Taipei
  • 張珏、周松男、陳芬苓、張菊惠
    Chueh Chang, Sonz-Nan Chow, Fen-Ling Chen, Chu-Hui Chang
  • 更年期症狀 ; 中國婦女
    menopausal symptoms ; Chinese women
  • 更年期的相關課?在二十世?初才引起各界學者注意,而我?尚?起步階段,目前停經症?研究仍以臨床對象為主,因此需要有更多?方面研究,才能提供本土化婦女真實停經的情形。本研究的目的主要是:(1)探索台北都會區婦女在醫院與社區不同樣本來源,其症狀上的反應如何。(2)瞭解不同停經階段的中年婦女在自述症?上的差異。研究對象為大台北地?40~60歲的中老年婦女,樣本?源有一般樣本、醫院樣本、婦女及職業團體樣本,最後得到668人為分析對象。 結果發現停經前期:醫院樣本臉發熱發紅、陰道乾燥、出冷汗、乳房脹痛、太緊張受不了、感覺憂鬱且沮喪、號哭、眼前一下看不見較多。停經中期:醫院樣本臉發熱發紅、出冷汗、子宮不正常出血、失眠較多,而婦女及職業團體不能專心情形較多。停經後期:醫院樣本的便秘與出冷汗最多,婦女及職業團體頭痛較少。婦女在不同經期症狀的異同裡:一般樣本的出冷汗是中期較高,臉發熱發紅是中、後期高於前期,骨頭痠痛、手腳或皮膚發麻、健忘、失眼、心悸是後期高於中期高於前期。醫院樣本前期無人便秘,只有中期有子宮不正常出血。婦女及職業團體中期最多臉發熱發紅、易激動與不能專心,後期最多陰道乾燥,失眠是停經前期較少。 我們需要釐清生理上的不適是症狀、症候群或是病,也需要多研究一般社區婦女更年期的生理、心理變化,取代過去醫院樣本過高的症狀與疾病比率,以定義一般婦女的更年期。提供協助給中年婦女,改變她們以負面態度看待自然生理變化的停經期的觀念,期能了解更年期的迷思。
    Menopause has received very little attention in the past, especially in the area of valid research studies. Issues related to menopause have been studied in Western society for 30-40 years. In Taiwan, however, studies have just begun. The menopausal symptoms of the previous month, reported by 668 women from communities, hospital, and vocatioal/voluntary organizations in the Taipei metropolitan area were analyzed with respect to different menopansal stages, i.e. pre-, peri- and post-menopausal stages, among the three different sample groups in different menopausal stages, respectively. Results showed that the most significant symptoms in the community sample included night sweat during the peri-menopausal stage, hot flashes during the peri/post-menopausal stage, and boneache, numbness of extremities, amentia, insomnia and palpitation during the post menopausal stage. In general, hospital patients reported a higher frequency of symptoms, regardless of menopausal stage than did the other two sample groups. For example, hot flashes, night sweats, abnormal uterine bleeding and insomnia were high in the peri-menopausal stage of the hospital sample. In addition to hot flashes and night sweats, sudden blackout, vaginal dryness, nervourness, depression, and excessing crying were also high in the pre-menopausal stage of the hospital sample. How to distinguish the physiological discomfort from the so-called symptoms or syndrome or illness in medical terms has been discussed. We need to initiate intensive of studies the common physiological and psychological changes in women of the community sample instead of the hospital sample which will elucidate the symptoms or illness of the women during menopausae. We need to characterize the common theme of menopause in order to dispel the myths surrounding menopause, and shed new light on a subject that is important to women from all walks of life.
  • 191 - 200
  • 10.6288/CJPH1995-14-02-08
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  • 低空氣汙染鄉村地區國小學童之呼吸器疾病缺勤率Absenteeism Due to Respiratory Morbidity in Elementary Schools with Low Level Air Pollution
  • 湯豐誠、詹長權、陳保中、鄒國英、 黃景祥、王榮德
    Feng-Cheng Tang, Chang-Chuan Chan, Pau-Chung Chen, Kuo-Inn Tsou Yau, Jing-Shiang Hwang, Jung-Der Wang
  • 學童 ; 缺勤 ; 呼吸器疾病 ; 空氣汙染
    school children ; absenteeism ; respiratory morbidity ; air pollution
  • 本研究之目標在建立麥寮地區未受空氣汙染時,國小學童呼吸器疾病週缺勤率之基本資料,並評估本研究方法之可行性。從民國81年8月我們選取六輕將興建之麥寮周遭地區的三所國小學童約2240名進行研究。其中男女學童約各佔一半。我們設計病假缺勤調查表,請校護、老師及各班班長對國小學童缺勤情形及缺勤原因逐週進行調查,並請當地的開業醫師協助以確立診斷。依性別予以分層,以該校學童為分母,罹患呼吸器疾病的學童為分子,得出疾病之週缺勤率;以普瓦松(Poisson)分佈作模式,並訂大於呼吸器疾病週缺勤率分佈中的95%之值為呼吸器疾病週缺勤率的上限,以便將來偵測呼吸器疾病是否爆發流行或大規模增加。結果發現,學童呼吸器疾病週缺勤率之平均數,中位數及標準差分別是大城國小學童0.60%(週^(-1)),0.60%(週^(-1))及0.47%(週^(-1));麥寮國小學童0.72%(週^(-1)),0.48%(週^(-1))及0.99%(週^(-1));台西國小學童0.54%(週^(-1)),0.40%(週^(-1))及0.46%(週^(-1))。三所國小都有一個呼吸器疾病發生之尖峰期,但發生之時間不同。以大城國小82年1月最先開始,麥寮國小82年4月最慢。學童呼吸器疾病之週缺勤率與地區及年級有關,和性別無關。由於本研究不須大量人力、財力且病假缺勤調查表之準確度高,我們推論以此方法可以作為學童呼吸器疾病監測。
    The objective of this study is to determine the baseline of weekly absenteeism rate due to respiratory morbidity among school children in Mailiau area where air pollution is relatively low. In total, we studied 2240 school children, of which there were approximately equal numbers of boys and girls in three elementary schools around Mailiau area: Dachen, Mailiau, Taicei. We designed a short questionnaire and trained the teachers, school nurses and student leaders to record the causes of absenteeism, and regularly performed quality control with 16 local physicians who regularly made diagnoses for these children. Poisson distribution was assumed and we performed regression analysis for the weekly respiratory morbidity rates. The results showed that the weekly average rates of respiratory morbidity, median and standard deviation were 0.60% (week^(-1)), 0.60% (week^(-1)) and 0.47% (week^(-1)); 0.72% (week^(-1)), 0.48% (week^(-1)) and 0.99% (week^(-1)); 0.54% (week^(-1)), 0.40% (week^(-1)) and 0.46 (week^(-1)) for Dachen, Mailiau, and Taicei elementary schools, respectively. A peak rate was noted during the observation period (August 1992 to July 1993) in 3 schools. Poisson regression analysis showed that the weekly absenteeism rate due to respiratory morbidity varied with location and age, while sex did not show any difference. We concluded that under present condition, air pollution does not seem to be a major risk factor in this area and monitoring the rate of absenteeism seems to be potentially useful for surveillance of school children's respiratory diseases caused by air pollution.
  • 201 - 211
  • 10.6288/CJPH1995-14-02-09