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  • Link 公衛論壇 Public Health Forum
  • 「牡蠣致癌性風險評估」事件的省思「牡蠣致癌性風險評估」事件的省思
  • 郭浩然
    How-Ran Guo
  • 無none
  • 無none
  • 75 - 79
  • 10.6288/TJPH2001-20-02-01
  • Link 公衛論壇 Public Health Forum
  • 毒牡蠣事件評議毒牡蠣事件評議
  • 林澤聖、宋鴻樟
    Tser-Sheng Lin, Fung-Chang Sung
  • 無none
  • 無none
  • 80 - 83
  • 10.6288/TJPH2001-20-02-02
  • Link 綜論 Review Article
  • 口腔黏膜下纖維化之流行病學Epidemiology of Oral Submucous Fibrosis: a Review
  • 邱重榕、陳建仁
    Chung-Jung Chiu, Chien-Jen Chen
  • 口腔黏膜下纖維化 ; 流行病學 ; 危險因子 ; 檳榔 ; 口腔癌
    Oral submucous fibrosis ; epidemiology ; risk factors ; betel quid ; oral cancer.
  • 本文綜述口腔黏模下纖維化(oral submucous fibrosis,簡稱OSF)之流行病學特徵與危險因子之文獻回顧,並提出可能的研究方向與預防策略。無論國內或國外的研究均顯示,嚼食檳榔的地區有較高的口腔癌發生率,而國內的研究也一致地認為,嚼食檳榔是台灣地區口腔癌發生最重要的危險因子。臨床觀察研究顯示,口腔癌的發生大多伴隨在口腔癌前病變之後,而在口腔癌前病變當中,OSF是與嚼食檳榔有特殊相關的一種口腔癌前狀態。由於嚼食檳榔的文化與習慣的差異,OSF主要發生於印度、巴基斯坦、東南亞各國、台灣,以及南非、歐洲、澳洲等地的亞洲移民及其後裔。在臺灣它好發於20-40歲的男性。此疾病是一種慢性的口腔黏膜病變,可侵犯口腔內任何部位的黏膜,有時甚至擴張至咽喉及食道,它的主要特徵是由於口腔黏膜下的膠原蛋白的異常堆積,最終導致病人口腔黏膜僵硬、張口困難及吞嚥困難,嚴重影響病人的進食、說話及接受牙科醫療照護的便利性,大大地降低其生活品質。由過去的研究歸納可知,嚼食檳榔是OSF最重要的危險因子,其可歸因百分比可達到98%。嚼食菸草或抽菸雖然與OSF的發生無關,但是卻在OSF演變成口腔癌的過程中扮演重要的角色。除了嚼食檳榔以外,食用辛辣食物、營養素缺乏、免疫因子、遺傳基因也被報告可能和OSF的形成有關,其中辛辣食物之攝取與OSF之相關仍有爭議,相關的營養素缺乏與免疫反應則仍需進一步之研究以釐清其間之因果關係,遺傳基因易感性則為解釋個體差異性之研究方向之一,各危險因子之間或遺傳基因與環境因子之間有無特定的交互作用存在亦有待探討。目前對於OSF的治療方法包括類固醇局部注射、外科手術、胎盤素局部注射與雷射療法等,只能舒緩、改善症狀或停止惡化,但無法完全田復黏膜之原貌。近十年來,台灣地區嚼食檳榔的人口日益增加,估計超過2百萬人,且有年齡下降的趨勢,國人罹患OSF之病例亦有增加之趨勢。一般相信預防OSF的發生要比治療OSF來得重要。大部分的研究皆建議,經由戒除嚼食檳榔來降低OSF的發生,因此除了預防教育的方式,釜底抽薪的方法無非根除暴露的機會,眼前首務當是先將販賣檳榔納入管理,仿照菸、酒課以檳榔捐,一方面抑制檳榔的消耗量,一方面可將其所得用於社會教育與OSF及口腔癌的防治。由於OSF不僅是一種口腔癌前狀態,更已成為一個迫切的公共衛生問題,因此,未來除了必須致力於杜絕檳榔的健康危害,在OSF的病因、治療方法以及OSF與口腔癌之間的相關研究也應積極開展。(台灣衛誌2001;20(2):84-92)
    This review focouses on the epidemiological characteristics and risk factors of oral submucous fibrosis (OSF).The future perspective in research and prevention are also described,There is a higher oral cancer incidence in the areas where betel-quid chewing habit is prevalent. [n Taiwan, betel-quid chewing is the most important risk factor of oral cancer. According to clinical observation, oral cancer often occurs after some precanceL OSF is a betel quid chewing-specific precancerous condition. Because of the difference in betel-quid chewing habit, OSF mainly affects residents in India, Pakistan, southeastern Asia and Taiwan as well as Asian mIgrants and their offsprings who have moved from these regions to Europe, South Africa and Australia. In Taiwan, it frequently affects men aged between 20-40 years old. It is a chronic disease of oral mucosa and can affect any part of it. The disease can even involve pharynx and esophagus. Its main characteristic is the deposition of collagen in oral submucosa. This may eventually impair the ability of eating and speaking and even the convenience of dental care Betel quid chewing is the most important risk factor with an attributable risk percentage of 98%. Although there is no evidence showing a direct causal relationship between tobacco use and OSF, tobacco is thought to play an important role in the malignant transformation of OSF. In addition to betel quid chewing, spicy food, nutritional deficiency, immunological factors and genetic susceptibility have been reported to be associated with OSF. Till today the detail mechanism of OSF is unclear. Whether there exixt interactions between different environ-mental factors or between gene and environmental factors remains to be elucidated. The treatment of OSF, including steroid injections, sugery, submucosal injections of placental extract and soft laser, has been concentrated upon symptom-atic relief and can never recover oral mucosa. In the recent decade, there is an increase in the number of betel quid chewers with an estimation of over 2 million in Taiwan. The age at which hetel quid chewing has also decreased. There is also an increase in the number of OSF cases in Taiwan. It is believed that prevention of OSF is likely to prove more effective than treatment. Most of the studies have suggested focusing on reducing exposure to the known risk factors, particular use of bring betel quid. In addition to educational intervention the first priority is to include the bring betel quid selling under government supervision and taxation. This will inhibit the consumption of betel quid, and the income can be used on the social education and the prevention of oral cancer. Being an important precancerous condition of oral cancer, OSF has become an emerging public health issue in Taiwan. In the future, attempts must focus not only on the eradication of health hazards of betel quid but also on the OSF-reluted study.(Taiwan J Public Health. 2001 ;20(2):84-92)
  • 84 - 92
  • 10.6288/TJPH2001-20-02-03
  • Link 綜論 Review Article
  • 地震的健康效應Effects of Earthquakes on Health
  • 林宜平
    Yi-Ping Lin
  • 地震 ; 受傷 ; 死亡 ; 罹病 ; 心理健康
    earthquake ; injury, ; mortality ; morbidity ; mental health.
  • 地震不但會直接引發外傷或死亡,對災區居民短期與長期的生理及心理健康也有不同的影響。地震所引起的外傷或死亡,受性別、年齡、建築物類別等因素影響,傷亡的主要原因是建築物倒塌。地震的短期生理健康效應,主要是猝死與心血管疾病,有關地震後心血管疾病的死亡、罹病與各項危險因子的變化,都有研究報告。此外,長期追蹤研究的結果顯示,災區居民的地震經驗與心跳和尿酸的長期變化有關,地震後半年內所有疾病及心臟病的死亡人數增加,而高血壓、糖尿病與關節炎等慢性疾病的發生,也與地震的受損情形有關。至於地震對心理及社會層面的影響,則包括創傷後壓力疾患、一般心理健康狀及社會網絡的變遷等,都有研究報告。(台灣衛誌2001;20(2):93-111)
    Earthquake causes injury and mortality. short-term physical effects, long-term physical effects, and psychosocial effects. Previous studies indicate that age, gender, and types of building are the major determinants of injury and mortality in an earthquake. The short-term physical effects of earthquakes include sudden death and cardiovascular diseases. The correlation of earthquakes and morbidity, mortality, and risk factors of cardiovascular diseases have been reported. Longitudinal studies suggest that heart rate and uric acid are correlated with subjects' earthquake experiences. An Armenian cohort study reports the increase of deaths from all causes and from heart disease within six months of an earthquake. Morbidity of high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, and arthritis also increases after the earthquake. The psychosocial effects of earthquakes include posttraumatic stress disorder, general psychological morbidity, and social network disturbances.(Taiwan J Public Health. 2001 ;20(2):93-111)
  • 93 - 111
  • 10.6288/TJPH2001-20-02-04
  • Link 原著 Original Article
  • 資料連結應用於道路交通事故傷害研究:一對一確定連結與一對多人工可能連結之比較Record linkage for Road Traffic Injury Research:One-to-One Deterministic linkage vs. One-to-Many Manual Probable linkage
  • 呂宗學、賴靜慧、林豐福、李孟智、周明智
    Tsung-Hsueh Lu, Ching-Huei Lai, Fong-Fu Lin, Meng-Chih Lee, Ming-Chih Chou
  • 資料庫 ; 料連結 ; 交通事故傷害 ; 死亡率
    factual databases ; medical record linkage ; traffic accidents ; mortality.
  • 背景:警政單位的交通事故登錄檔(交通檔)與衛生單位的死因統計登錄檔(死因檔)是交通事故傷害研究與防制計劃的重要參考訊息,但是兩個資料庫也都有一些缺點。若能將兩資料庫連結,可以提高兩者訊息的有用性。目標:本研究希望能建立一個連結資料庫,比過去資料庫能提供更有用訊息,並提供未來電腦機率連結程式設計基本訊息。方法:一九九五年交通檔與死因檔首先以身份證字號進行一對一確定連結,未被連結到的資料再以出生年月進行一對多人工可能連結。一對多可能配對再進一步以死亡證明書記錄之訊息來確認是否為正確配對。結果:本研究共連結3,115筆資料,確定連結與人工可能連結分別可配對到853與2,262筆資料。在交通檔警察登錄死亡的3,097個案中,有2,692(87%)可以相對應的交通檔。不同資料特徵(性別、年齡、事故發生地區、當事者人數、道路使用者型態)的連結率不同,人工可能連結資料與確定連結資料在重要特徵(事故發生地區與道路使用者型態)分佈上有統計顯著差異。兩個資料檔對同一筆資料的基本資料(身份證字號、出生年月)記錄不一致的主要原因是字形相近的抄錄錯誤。結論:由於人工可能連結在確定連結後還可多配對出近三倍的資料,因此未來若要與交通檔進行資料連結時,至少要使用人工可能連結。本研究所整理的常見抄錄錯誤,是未來電腦機率連結定義權值與部分一致規則之重要參考。(台灣衛誌2001;20(2):112-120)
    Background: The road traffic accident file (RTAF) and cause of death file (CODF) are relevant to road traffic injury research and control programs design, but both have merits as well as demerits. Linking the CODF 'with the RTAF may yield a dataset that makes full use of information from both files. Objectives: In this study we sought to establish a linked dataset which is more useful than the existing data sets and to provide information for future computerized probability record linkage (CPRL). Methods: The RT AF and CODF for the year 1995 were first linked with one-to-one deterministic record linkage (DRL), using ID as the identifier. The remaining unmatched records were then linked with one-to-many manual probable record linkage (MPRL), using year and month of birth as identifiers. The possible pairs linked by MPRL were then verified' by the information recorded on the death certificates to determine the frue matches. Results: The linkage process linked a total of 3,115 records; DRL and MPRL matched 853 and 2,262 records, respectively. Of the 3,097 police registered fatal cases in the RTAF. 2.692 (87%) were linked to matching CODF record. Of the 8,145 certifier registered traffic-related deaths in the CODF, only 2,712 (33%) had matching RTAF record. The linkage rate varied according to different characteristics. including sex, age, place of traffic accident, number of victims involved, and type of road user. The characteristics (region of accident occurred and type . of road user) of linked records obtained by MPRL differed significantly from those obtained by URL Most of the discrepancies between the two files in registering the same identifier information (lD or birth year and month) were due to transcription errors. Conc1usions: Given the high yield of MPRL compared with DRL, and the differences in the distribution of characteristics between records linked by MPRL and DRL, MPRL is a necessary procedure for future record linkage with RTAF. The common discrepancies found in this study may serve as a useful reference in defining the weights and partial disagreement rules in future CPRL efforts.(Taiwan J Public Health. 2001 ;20(2):112-120)
  • 112 - 120
  • 10.6288/TJPH2001-20-02-05
  • Link 原著 Original Article
  • 白喉百日咳破傷風疫苗第四劑之經濟評估-非細胞性疫苗與傳統疫苗之比較Acellular vs. Whole Cell Pertussis Vaccine in Taiwan, an Economic Evaluation
  • 蒲若芳、 陳建煒、季瑋珠
    Raho-Fang Pwu, K. Arnold Chan, Wei-Chu Chie
  • 決策分析 ; 決策樹 ; 白喉百日咳破傷風疫苗第四劑 ; 經濟評估
    Decision analysis ; Decision tree ; DTP vaccine 4th dose ; economic evaluation.
  • 目標:傳統百日咳疫苗含死菌成份,容易造成嚴重的副作用;新的非細胞性疫苗雖可大幅減少接種後不良反應之發生,成本卻比前者昂貴。本研究希望藉經濟評估來幫助決策者了解問題現況,並比較兩種疫苗之優劣。方法:作者嘗試分別估計非細胞性白喉百日咳破傷風疫苗與傳統白喉百日咳破傷風疫苗之成本與健康效應,以作為兩種疫苗選擇之決策參考之用。本研究採決策樹方式,進行包括成本效性及成本效用分析等經濟評估;並就其中重要變項,進行敏感度分析。結果:以十八個月大的幼兒所施打的第四劑三合一疫苗而言,非細胞性疫苗的成本高,但由於不良反應較少,因此在成本效性分析的結果顯示平均每減少一個不良反應,只約需多花上90~130元。在疫苗相關不良反應中,非細胞性疫苗比傳統疫苗輕微,但反映在生活品質評分上的程度不多,所以在成本效用分析上的結果差異大,成為每增加一單位幼兒生活品質評分,需多花1,500~2,000元左右;每增加一單位家庭品質評分,則需多1,800~2,500元。結論:就醫療總支出而言,對於三合一疫曲之使用,傳統疫苗仍佔優勢。但若以減少不良反應發生所需花費而言,支出並不高,值得衛生決策單位考量。(台灣衛誌2001;20(2):121-130)
    Objectives: To perform an economic evaluation for the use of the 4th dose of acellular (OTaP) or whole-cell Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (DTP) vaccine in Taiwan. Methods: Using decision analytic models, the costs and various health effects of applying whole-cell and acellular DPT vaccines were assessed. Results: Total medical expenses related to the vaccinations were higher in DTaP, but the effectiveness and utility scores were also higher. Since the adverse reaction (ADR) rate is lower in DTaP group, the results for the cost-effectiveness analysis was 90-130 NT dollars (about US$ 3-4) per ADR prevented. However, the ADRs studied here were rather mild, therefore the gains in quality of life were quite small. The cost-utility analysis resulted in a NTD 1,500-2,000 (US$ 45-60) cost per baby's quality of life score gained, as well as a NTD 1, 800-2,500 (US$ 55-76) cost per family's quality of life point gained. Conclusion: The DTaP vaccine program is not financially incentive to be used in Taiwan. However, it might still be under consideration in terms of quality of life improvements.(Taiwan J Public Health. 2001 ;20(2):121-130)
  • 121 - 130
  • 10.6288/TJPH2001-20-02-06
  • Link 原著 Original Article
  • 台北市大氣中臭氧時序分佈之特性分析The Diurnal Variation of Ozone in Taipei City
  • 黎博文、林嘉明
    Po-Wen Li, Jia-Ming Lin
  • 臭氧濃度 ; 臭氧時序分佈 ; 空氣品質監測站
    ozone concentration ; diurnal variation of ozone ; air quality monitoring station.
  • 目標:本研究旨在觀察及描述整個台北市臭氧濃度的時序變化趨勢,探討其與原發性污染物濃度變化之關係,以及氣溫對臭氧濃度之影響。方法:資料來自台北市環保局所屬六個空氣品質監測站及二個車輛排氣監測站,選取1996年的濃度資料,並配合中央氣象局台北站當年之逐日與逐時氣溫資料,挑出各測站當月臭氧濃度最高的一天,加以統計分析最壞情況下臭氧的24小時時序分佈、季節變化傾向,以及其與Nox和氣溫之線性關係。並且以臭氧的最高濃度除以現行空氣品質標準中小時平均值120ppb,求風險商。結果:依據每日臭氧濃度逐時的變化以及主要波峰出現的時間作分類,台北市每日臭氧濃度變化的型式分為三型:白天型、夜晚型和其他型。白天型的明顯波峰高點出現時間多為午後,波峰持續時間較短但濃度高,最常出現在氣溫較高的6~8月。夜晚型的明顯波峰出現在入夜後,持續時間較長但濃度較低,常發生於6~8月以外的其他月份。其他則不論白天或夜晚,若非均無波峰之出現,就是其波峰並不顯著。當臭氧出現高峰時,Nox的濃度與之有一消一漲的變化趨勢,但只在夜晚型波峰出現時,臭氧和Nox兩者個別的反應速率常數之間呈現較好的線性相關(R2=0.5035)。另外風險商大於1者,約佔白天型的10%左右;而夜晚型的風險商則均小於1。結論:台北市24小時的臭氧濃度變化有兩種較明顯的型態,其中之一波峰出現在早上7時,這種型態比較常在於6月-8月間發現;其他月份常見另外一種型態之變化,其波峰在接近中午時出現。這些型態可能受地理及氣象影響。(台灣衛誌2001;20(2):131-142)
    Objectives: This study was aimed at characterizing the diurnal variation patterns of ambient ozone pollution in Taipei Municipal, and its relationship with other primary pollutants as well as to ambient temperature. Methods: We analyzed the 1996 air quality data measured at eight monitoring stations including two situated in areas with heavy traffic, obtained from the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Taipei Municipal Government. The local ambient temperature data was obtained from the Central Weather Bureau. Data analysis, based on the data set at the worse day in each month, characterized the hourly ozone level over a period of 24 hours and also the seasonal trends. The linear relationships between ozone concentration, NOx and temperature were also investigated. The risk quotient of the hourly maximum ozone concentration over the referred air quality standard, an hourly average of 120 ppb, was examined. Results: The results indicated that the 24-hour trends of ozone level were in three patterns: diurnal type, nocturnal type and miscellaneous type. The diurnal type, often occurred during the period from June to August, had an obvious peak with the highest concentration occurring at noon. The nocturnal type, often occurred in the rest of the months, had an apparent peak starting to increase at midnight and gradually reaching the summit by seven o'clock in the morning. The peak of nocturnal-type lasted longer, with relatively lower concentration. The miscellaneous type had patterns with no apparent peak. When the ozone peak appeared, the concentration of NOx did not parallel to that of ozone, although there was a significant correlation between ozone and NOx when ozone trend of nocturnal type occurred (R2 = 0.5035). Approximately 10% of the diurnal type ozone levels had the risk 9uotient greater than one, but none of the nocturnal type. Conclusion: There are two types of 24 hour ozone patterns: one type with the peak level that appears at 7 o'clock in the morning, which occurs more frequently in June through August; the other type with the peak level that appears at noon for the rest of the months. These patterns may have to do with geographic and meteorological influences.(Taiwan J Public Health. 2001 ;20(2):131-142)
  • 131 - 142
  • 10.6288/TJPH2001-20-02-07
  • Link 原著 Original Article
  • 台灣在校青少年飲酒盛行率與相關因素的探討Prevalence and Related Factors of Acohol use Among Adolescent Students in Taiwan
  • 劉美媛、周碧瑟
    Meei-Yuan Liou, Pesus Chou
  • 飲酒 ; 盛行率 ; 青少年
    alcohol use ; prevalence ; adolescents
  • 目標:台灣地區酒精使用情形,正快速增加,飲酒引起的意外事件是15歲到24歲年輕人的主要死因。本研究的主要目的在探討台灣地區在校青少年飲酒盛行率,以及飲酒與家庭、學校、親人飲酒習慣等的相關情形。方法:本研究以結構性問卷進行資料收集,以兩階段隨機抽樣方法,抽取研究樣本。第一階段依台灣地區國中、高中、高職、專校(五專的一至三年級)等學校類別,按學生人數比例,抽出51所國中、12所高中、27所高職、10所專科學校,共計100所學校。第二階段再於每校各年級隨機抽取一個班級,全班列入研究對象,共計12703位學生,總計有效樣本數12557人,完成率為98.8%。結果:16.7%(男生:22.9%;女生:10.1%)的在校青少年自認有飲酒習慣(每月至少飲酒一次以上者)。年齡越大,盛行率越高,18歲以上高達31.4%。專校生、高中生較高,分別為21.1%及21.0%,高中生最低12.1%,30.2%原住民學生有飲酒習慣,42.5%有飲酒習慣的學生在12歲以前開始飲酒。家庭因素中的單親家庭結構型態、父母對你的評價等,學校因素上的課業表現、出席情形、工作、打工狀況、參加幫派、師長對同學的尊重度、學校類別等,以及年齡、原住民、父母、兄弟姊妹飲酒等都是與飲酒有關的因素。結論:瞭解在校青少年飲酒的年齡、性別差異及其他相關因素,將可作為青少年飲酒防治策略的參考。(台灣衛誌2001;20(2):143-152)
    Objectives: The purposes of this study are (1) to estimate the prevalence of alcohol use among adolescents in Taiwan, and (2) to investigate the possible related factors for drinking habit. Methods: Subjects were selected through a two-stage, random sampling procedure. In the first stage, the strata were based on the type of school-middle school, high school, vocational school, and junior college (first 3 years only). A total of 100 schools were sampled. In the second stage, the strata were based on grade-one class each for 1st, 2nd , 3rd grades were randomly selected from each school. About 98% (12703 of 12557) of eligible students participated. Results: The prevalence of alcohol use was 16.7%, and was much higher in males than in females (22.9% vs. 10.1%), which increased with age. The prevalence was the highest in vocational school is (21.1%), followed by junior colleges (21.0%), junior high school is (13.8%), and high school is (12.1%). Factors considered as possibly related to alcohol use included (1)family factors: family structure, esteem of parents, drinking by parents, and brothers and sisters. (2) school factors: academic performance, absenteeism, part-time working as a student, gang membership, respect of teachers, and type of school (3) other factors were age and aborigines. Conclusions: An understanding of age, gender differences and other factors of alcohol use can provide guidelines for effective interventions.(Taiwan J Public Health. 2001;20(2);143-152)
  • 143 - 152
  • 10.6288/TJPH2001-20-02-08
  • Link 實務 Public Health Practice
  • 九二一大地震災區臨時收容所環境衛生狀況調查Assessment of the Environmental Health Conditions of the Temporary Shelters in Disaster Areas After the "921 Earth2quake, Taiwan"
  • 王根樹、詹長權
    Gen-Shuh Wang, Chang-Chuan Chan
  • 921大地震 ; 臨時收容所,環境衛生 ; 快速評估
    921 earthquake ; temporary shelters ; environmental health condition ; rapid assessment protocol.
  • 目標:透過災區居民收容所地訪視作業,評估大地震過後一個月內災區各居民收容所環境衛生狀況。方法:參與調查人員於地震後分兩次前往台中縣及南投縣受地震影響較嚴重的主要鄉鎮市災民收容所進行現地訪視工作,依據災民收容所環境衛生狀況快速評估調查表調查及評估各災民收容所之飲水、食物供應、癈棄物處理、病媒等環境衛生狀況。結果:依據兩次訪視共四十九個場次之調查結果顯示,地震後瓶裝水的大量提供及各義工團體的充分支援使各災民收容所在飲用水及熱食餐點供應方面能充分滿足需要;除少數收容所外,大地震後兩星期多數收容所在垃圾收集與處理、環境衛生消毒方面尚能滿足基本需求,避免過度髒亂的情形發生;但在營區居住環境的規劃、臨時廁所與淋浴設施之供應、排泄物收集與處理、營區防火措施等方面則有相當之改善空間。兩次訪視之間各臨時收容所在公共盥洗設施、公共煮食區、公共廁所之供應上有所改善;但由於收容人數增加,在廢棄物之臨時貯存場所、病媒防治及營區防火措施上未能積極改善。結論:由於缺乏經驗與準備,衛生行政體系對於重大災難後居民臨時收容所之公共衛生因應措施缺乏一個具體可行的執行架構。突然發生的921大地震促使環保及衛生行政體系建立處理重大天然災害有關災民收容所各項環境衛生狀況的機制及經驗,此種經驗對於災難發生後建立災民收容所並維持其環境衛生狀況所需之應變體系及行政支援準則應有所助益。(台灣衛誌2001;20(2):153-165)
    Objectives: After the earthquake of September 21st, 2000 in central Taiwan, we have organized a team of public health experts from the College of Public Health in National Taiwan University to assess the environmental health conditions of the shelters in the disaster areas. Methods: A rapid assessment protocol was used to monitor the general environmental conditions, food safety, water quantity and quality, sanitaion, and pathogenic insects in the temporary shelters of the disaster areas. Results: Forty-nine temporary shelters in earthquake area were visited during the emergency and sheltering periods. Basic life sustaining items such as food and bottled water were in sufficient supply with good sanitary preparations two weeks after the earthquake. Waste disposal was also appropriate in most shelter after the quake. However, the number of fire protection devices, toilets, and showers did not meet demands in most shelter areas in the second week after the quake. The situations improved after the third week and the conditions did not cause public health problems. Conclusions: In conclusion, much has been learned from the unprecedented experience of the “921 earthquake” in terms of how to assess and control environmental health problems after a major disaster. After the 921 earthquake, both environmental protection and health administration agencies have learned to set up standardized operation protocols and mechanisms for establishment of temporary shelters. This experience can help us to get better prepared for future disasters.(Taiwan J Public Health. 2001;20(2);153-165)
  • 153 - 165
  • 10.6288/TJPH2001-20-02-09
  • Link  
  • 由工業區開始落實工作場所設置醫療衛生單位之規定由工業區開始落實工作場所設置醫療衛生單位之規定
  • 蘇世斌、郭浩然
    Shih-Bin Su, How-Ran Guo
  • 無none
  • 無none
  • 166 - 168
  • 10.6288/TJPH2001-20-02-10