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  • 住院兒童疼痛經驗的特性The Characteristics of Hospitalized Children's Pain Experience
  • 陳季員
    Jih-Yuan Chen
  • 住院兒童 ; 疼痛 ; 繪畫
    Hospitalized child ; Pain ; Painting
  • 兒童理解力、語言、字彙的限制,缺乏流利或豐富的敘述,致使對疼痛經驗的評估有困難,因此國內應發展出兒童對疼痛的描述字言,以為疼痛的評估依據。研究目的為了瞭解住院兒童的疼痛經驗、感受、及其處理方法,請6歲以上的住院兒童57名畫一張圖表達他們“疼痛的情形、疼痛的感覺或疼痛所想到的”、和“疼痛時所想要做的事是?”,並請兒童談談所畫的內容,繪圖之前讓兒童回憶過去疼痛的經驗,先將記得的疼痛部位,任其挑選脂筆的顏色,在人體外型的圖上,表示出疼痛的部位及範圍,並述說其疼痛時的感覺、內心的感受及想法,並界定其疼痛的程度,及疼痛的處理方式。住院兒童發生不適的經驗則以頭痛、腹痛、發燒為主。兒童發生疼痛時的處理策略歸為:自我選擇治療、情緒集中措施、健康照顧人員協助、打針、姿勢、運動、活動。住院兒童常合併多種的不適經驗,多數會主訴三種不適的現象,且使用描述疼痛的字言多達57種,但常被使用的是痛、針刺感、酸痛、及脹痛。唯頭痛的感覺以痛、針刺感、酸痛、眩暈為主。腹痛則以脹痛、難過、嘔心為主。而疼痛發生時,多數是採取自我選擇治療,或情緒集中措施,但就每一措施則仍常須藉打針而止痛,住院中兒童疼痛發生時較會向醫師求助,再配合臥床休息,仍有部分病童被餵服藥物,少數會向護士求助,年齡較小者尋求母親的支持是必要的。住院中兒童因疼痛發生限制其活動、能力降低、或憂鬱則選擇紅色、黑色、綠色、或單一缺乏色彩表達其疼痛的感覺。
    This study was designed to further understanding of children's pain experiences and sensations, and to develop strategies to care for hospitalized children who suffering from pain. Fifty-seven hospitalized children over the age of six were given crayons and asked to point out the location of their pain, current or past, on a figure of the human body in order to discover the location of the pain and its intensity. Then they were asked to draw a picture expressing the condition, feeling, and sensation of their pain, and what they wanted to have done about it, The most frequent complaints were of headaches, abdominal pain and fever. The most common management strategies for coping with children's pain include: self-selected treatments, emotionally focused strategies, health care provider assistance, injection analgesics, and the strategy of altering position, increasing activity or motion. Thirty-two (56.1%) of the 57 words used by the children as descriptors of pain were used by at least three children. Words like hurts, stinging, soreness, suicide, dizziness, crying, throw out, uncomfortable, bloatedness were consistently used by children who rated their pain intensity as 4 or higher on the pain scale. There was significant related to ”age” and ”pain feelings were described by the children”. Younger children were more likely to respond with words related to the physical aspects of their pain while older children added a psychological connotation in their response, e.g., suicide, panic, sad, hate, and uncomfortable. N=35.1% of the children used three words in this study. These subjects, as a result of their pain, showed signs of depression, were less active and suffered a decrease in their normal abilities, As a result, their paintings were simpler and less colorful; and were characterized by darker colors, especially reds, blacks and greens.
  • 1-10
  • 10.6288/CJPH1994-13-01-01
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  • 台北市八十學年度國中新生的肥胖盛行調查-不同篩選指標的比較The Prevalence of Obesity in the Seventh Graders in Taipei City, 1991: A Comparison of Various Body Screening Indices
  • 李蘭、潘文涵、陳重弘、李燕嗚
    Lee-Lan Yen, Wen-Han Pan, Chung-Hung Chen, Yen-Ming Lee
  • 肥胖 ; 盛行率 ; 肥胖指標 ; 青少年
    obesity ; prevalence rate ; obesity index ; adolescence
  • 肥胖是導致許多慢性病的危險因子,影響健康甚鉅。為瞭解肥胖在青少年中盛行的情形,並比較各類體型指數用來篩選肥胖的結果,以台北市立國民中學八十學年度全體新生共47,173名樣本中,進行系統集束抽樣調查。1174名樣本中,有1168人填答問卷,同時接受身高、體重、和皮脂厚度測量。結果發現,採用「皮脂厚度的第八十五百分位值」、「體質指數的第八十五百分位值」、及「超出平約體重20%」等三個肥胖標準,篩選出來的肥胖盛行率,在男生方面為15.0-17.3%:在女生方面則介於14.8%至15.6%之間。各類體型指標之間的相關值達到0.66至0.98之間:同時篩選出肥胖者的一致率達89.3%至93.5%之間。青少年的體型常模宜建立並定期更新;各國民中學可就各校學生的身高和體重資料,按分佈情形篩選肥胖生,以便及早實施體重控制教學計畫。
    Obesity poses a significant risk factor of chronic disease for individual’s health. In order to understand the prevalence of obesity in adolescents, and compare the results using various methods for estimating body composition, a cross-sectional survey was conducted in 1991. A systematic sampling procedure by cluster was employed. 1168 subjects were selected from Taipei City Junior High Schools which included 47,173 seventh graders. The subjects were asked to complete a set of questionnaires. A measurement of height, weight, and skinfolds was also administered. When a skinfold exceeding the 85th percentile, a BMI exceeding the 85th percentile, and a weight more than 20% of average weight were adopted as criteria, the prevalence rates of obesity were 15.0-17.3% for males and 14.8-15.6% for females. The correlation coefficients of 0.66 to 0.98 between indices were found. The concordance rates for screening obesity by different indices were 89.3% to 93.5%. It is expected to establish adolescent body composition norms periodically. A distribution of body composition index can be developed using the height and weight data of students in each school. Based on the distribution, the obeses will be selected. It suggests to provide a weight control program in school as soon as possible.
  • 11-19
  • 10.6288/CJPH1994-13-01-02
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  • 國小五年級學生月經教學效果探討An Evaluation of the Intervention on Menstruation for 5th Grade Students in Taipei City
  • 晏涵文、李蘭、林燕卿、杜文麗
    Han-Wen Yen, Lee Lan Yen, Yen-Chin Lin, Wen-Li Tu
  • 月經 ; 衛生教育
    Menstruation ; Health education
  • 本研究的主要目的在探討,使用「健康的面對月經」投影片為輔助教材,以台北市某國小五年級學生為對象,進行健康教學後的效果。某國小五年級全體學生共十一個班級,先隨機抽取其中六班納入實驗組,其餘五班則為對照組。前測於教學介入前三天實施,然後老師以前述投影片為教材,針對實驗組學生施以兩次各40分鐘的教學,而對照組未進行教學。教學介入完成一週後,再對全體學生收集後測資料。研究結果顯示:(1)教學之後,實驗組學生比對照組學生的「月經知識」得分高,而且「月經態度」更趨於正向;(2)超過百分之九十的學生認為月經教學有幫助:(3)有百分之九十七點二的教師認為「健康的面對月經」這套投影片輔助教材是合適和足夠的。建議有關單位將本教學材料和方法做階段性的試用和推廣。
    The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of a health education for 5th Grade students in Taipei City, by using a set of projectiles named ”Facing Menstruation Healthily”. All of the eleven 5th Grade classes from some elementary school in Taipei City were selected. Six of them were assigned to an experimental group at random, and the others, a control group. Three days after a pre-test the experimental group attented two forty-minute classes, but the control group didn't. A week after the intervention, a post-test was also given to all of them. The conclusions indicated: (1) After the intervention, the experimental group's score of the menstruation knowledge was higher than that of the control group. The experimental group's attitude toward menstruation was also more postive than that of the control group. (2) More than 90% of the students indicated that the menstruation education was helpful to themselves. (3) 97.2% of the educators approved the propriety and the sufficient of the educational materials. This teaching materials and methods could be recommended to the educational departments for giving a trial at school.
  • 20 - 27
  • 10.6288/CJPH1994-13-01-03
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  • 金黃色葡萄球菌引發學童之食物中毒事件Outbreak of Food-Poisoning Associated with Staphylococcus Aureus
  • 林宜長、尤俊輝、宋丹誠、林國文
    Yi-Chang Lin, Jiunn-Huei Yu, Tan-Chung Song, Kuo-Wen Lin
  • 食物中毒 ; 金黃色葡萄球菌
    Food-poisoning ; Staphylococcus aureus
  • 本研究係為探討81年5月26日台北縣某國中學童集體食物中毒事件之病因及發生始末,所進行的流行病學調查。結果顯示:(1)所有中毒學童均攝食同一家便當廠供應之午餐。(2)統計卡方檢定發現,在唯一的送驗便當中只有荷包蛋一項與該次中毒有顯著相關;另衛生署藥物食品檢驗局也僅在荷包蛋一項中檢出金黃色葡萄球菌(2.7×10^4CFU/g)及臘狀桿菌(1.4×10^6CFU/g)。(3)患者的中毒症狀包括嘔吐、腹痛、腹瀉、噁心、頭暈、寒顫等,發病的潛伏期中位數是3小時41分,與金黃色葡萄球菌或臘狀桿前嘔吐型中毒所致者相近。(4)經衛生署預防醫學研究所抽驗30名中毒患者之嘔吐物或肛門擦拭檢體,其中檢出9件為金黃色葡萄球菌陽性及A型腸毒素。根據以上所述,可以推論便當中之荷包蛋受金黃色葡萄球菌污染是此次食物中毒的主因之一。但由於病患檢體未作臘狀桿茵檢測,故亦不排除金黃色葡萄球菌及臘狀桿菌聯合污染導致中毒的可能性。基於此類事件之患者數甚眾,期望衛生主管機關能加強對群體膳食業者之稽查管理與宣導教育,並落實品管合格簽證制度,以提高國內的食品衛生水準。
    This study aims to explore the etiology of a food-poisoning outbreak occurred in a junior high school in May 1992. One hundred and seventy-one of the investigated 502 students who ate the same company supplied lunch box containing boiled rice, sparerib, poached egg, sausage and bean sprouts became ill. Only the poached egg was noted to have significant correlation with food-poisoning in Chi-square test. The disease pattern was similar to the food-poisoning caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus. The median of incubation peroid was 3 hours and 41 minutes. The main symptoms included vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and dizziness. S. aureus was detected only in the poached egg (2.7×10^4 CFU/g), and this food item was also displayed a high B. cereus count (1.4×1.06 CFU/g). Meanwhile, the cultured rectal swab or vomit samples of 30 patients were found no enteric pathogens with the exception of S. aureus and its enterotoxin-A. But none were examined for B. cereus, since this organism was not included in the routine panel of patient specimens. Based on the above mentioned, we concluded that the outbreak of food- poisoning was associated with the poached egg contaminated by S. aureus or by the crossing effects of S. aureus and B. cereus probably. Because the occurrence of lunch-box-related food-poisoning is not uncommon in Taiwan, safeguards should be employed to prevent future ones.
  • 28 - 34
  • 10.6288/CJPH1994-13-01-04
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  • 醫療品質管理及門診服務品質定性指標A Review on Health Care Quality Management and a Proposal upon Indicators for Evaluating Hospital OPD Services
  • 韓揆
    Kuei Han

  • Medical care quality ; Hospital administration ; ambulatory care
  • 經濟愈發達,民眾愈重視醫療權益,全民健保實施後,就醫之經濟障礙排除,病人之注意力將轉向品質訴求。唯台灣文化不同於歐美,台灣醫師團體甚少從事品質建設或自律,民間不得不仰仗公權力執行權益保障,將來品質保證或提升工作不可避免要由醫療體系或醫院行政當局扮演重要角色。最近一項調查也顯示醫院有意推行品質管制活動,但缺乏對品質的了解及工作範例,因此加強醫院主管,包括醫師對品質之認識有其必要。 醫療品質形式易懂,其實頭緒紛繁,醫師及行政工作者對其涵義及管理每多歧見,可能也是難以進行之原因。本文著者試圖從浩瀚文獻及實務資料中,以適當篇幅探索醫療品質之內容及其管理問題,並藉在台大醫院工作體驗及參酌全省其他醫院狀況,採用“專職團體腦力激盪研究法”開發了一套整體評估門診服務品質的定性指標,另將管理工作上慣用的表式作業概念化,成為一個模型,以容納這一指標,希望能幫助有志者對醫療品質之涵義及其管理問題快速進入情況或加深了解。關於門診評估指標模型,則可供醫院試用或供研究者進一步發掘。
    Medical quality is a term not clearly defined. According to a survey by the National Defence Medical Center, ROC, hospital administrators were enthusiastic for applying quality assurance programs, but had difficulties to implement them owing to the lack of knowledge pertaining both the reality of medical quality practice and the means to select proper indicators for implementation. This paper in one hand, after reviewing literatures and the nature of hospital care, abridged and explained the various aspect of medical care quality and management problems; on the other hand, after utilizing a large hospital's data and using the nominal group brainstorming technique, developed a set of qualitative indicators and a tabulation model for the sake of reviewing hospital OPD services. It is hoped that this exploration and the model indicators can help the health care administrators more accessible in embracing the concept of medical care quality and in conducting their management programs.
  • 35 - 53
  • 10.6288/CJPH1994-13-01-05
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  • 就醫流向的長期變遷Changing Patterns of Patient Flow: A Case of Taiwan's Health Care Delivery System
  • 張苙雲、謝幸燕
    Ly-Yun Chang, Hsin-Yen Hsieh

  • help-seeking behavior ; utilization of health care ; supply and demand of health care
  • 本篇論文試圖處理兩個問題,第一是:台灣民眾的就醫流向的長期趨勢是什麼?第二是:由民眾的需求面來看,民眾集體所表現出來的就醫行為模式,尤其在區域上的流動和醫院級別之間的流向,在過去九年之間是否發生變化?利用衛生署之「傷病調查檔(簡稱),以七十八年之就醫流向模式做為結果,合併以過去八年(七十至七十七年)的就醫流向之發展,將各醫療區的九年的變遷圖像拼出。這個拼圖的形成,在考量醫療資源之絕對分佈變化的影響之下,比較著重於表達民眾就醫行動所傳達的主觀評估訊息,由於使用的是百分比的資料,因而所呈現出的結果是各區域間相對位置的變遷,是一個動態的模型。 本研究的主要發現有四:1)十七個醫療區可以依當地就醫和醫療機構的吸納能力分為「封閉型」、「開放型」、「吸納型」、和「匱乏型」等四種型態;2)以就醫當地化的指標為準,除了少數醫療區外,各區居民在當地就醫的比率普遍上揚,而且醫療區之間的平均差距逐年加大後,在七五年出現了明顯的轉折點而區域間平均差距開始縮小。3)各醫療區之醫療機構,集體的市場佔有率依各區而有所不同。值得注意的是醫療區間的平均差距的變化,雖然區域間的平均差距在七四年達到高峰之後,從七五年起已開始下降,但至七八年仍未回到七十年的水準。各區域醫療機構在住院市場上呈現的拉拒戰,因為醫療資源的改善而趨激烈。4)台灣地區各級醫療機構之間並未有自然形成的分化模式,一方面,醫學中心與區域醫院在疾病類的分佈缺乏明顯的差別,另一方面,各級醫院已逐年侵蝕了診所的門診市場,成了醫院診所之間彼此消長的局面。據此,我們檢討了醫療系統的績效。至於這些模式形成和變遷的原因以及理論上的意義,則在簡短說明後,由另文討論。
    We intend to answer two questions in this paper: 1) What are the key features that characterize the patterns of patient flow over time in Taiwan? and 2) How does interregion health resource utilization and over-utilized higher level health resources differ according to different regions and different time periods? An analysis of the 1981-89 ”Morbidity Survey in Public and Private Hospitals/Clinics, Taiwan Area, ROC” collected by the Ministry of Health in Taiwan, four major findings were revealed: 1). Seventeen medical regions in Taiwan can be categorized into four major prototypes, namely close, open, ample, and scarce, in terms of two indecies: localization of health resource utilization and collective market share in local health market. 2). The level of localization of health resource utililization increased over time for most medical regions, however, average regional differences of the localization levels widened from 1981-1988 and narrowed after 1988. 3), Collective market shares in local health markets varied from region to region and between different points of time as well. In addition, average regional differences of the market share widened up until 1986 but never recovered to the level of 1981, indicating keener competition among hospitals of different medical regions. 4). A functional division of labor among different ranks of hospitals and clinics can not be observed over time. In general, hospitals have expanded their market shares at the expense of clinics in the outpatient market while medical centers and area hospitals have done so at the expense of others in the inpatient market. Medical centers have engaged in head-to-head competition with others, especially with area hospitals, in dealing with those diseases which don't require advanced treatments. We discuss the implications of these findings in an assessment of the effectiveness of the health delivery system in Taiwan over time. Issues raised in this descriptive study are outlined for further research.
  • 54 - 76
  • 10.6288/CJPH1994-13-01-06
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  • 以公會組識模式有效管理小型石綿水泥浪板工廠中之石綿污染問題An Effective Union Organization Pattern for the Management of Asbestos for Small A/C Sheet Factories
  • 林宜長、徐儆暉、葉文裕、石東生
    Yi-Chang Lin, Jin-Huei Hsu, Wen-Yu Yeh, Tung-Sheng Shih
  • 公會組織 ; 有效管理 ; 小型工廠 ; 石綿污染
    Union organization ; effective control ; small factory ; asbestos pollution
  • 石綿為一危害性大的物質,如過度暴露可能會造成石綿肺、肺癌、胸膜間皮瘤及腹膜間皮瘤:因此各先進國家均將石綿防治列為重要課題。然而,臺灣地區的石綿水泥瓦工廠多屬小型工廠,故在防治經費不足、專業人員缺乏及改善技術欠佳之情況下,石綿污染防治之成效,亦始終不彰。 鑑此,筆者乃參採日本京都工場保健會及韓國類似保健組合之精神,敦促該業公會成立環境污染委員會,俾能發揮整合的力量,並同時結合學術研究單位及政府行政主管單位的力量,共同合作,以達到改善作業環境,降低石綿污染之目的。 民國七十七年六月,石綿水泥瓦業者乃達成共識,成立「臺灣區水泥製品工業同業公會石綿瓦小組環境污染委員會」。在為數二十三家石綿水泥瓦工廠中共有十八家參加。本委員會的經費係由各會員工廠共同分攤,統籌運用。本委員會將工業安全衛生專業技術方面委託予學術單位,由學術單位代為訓練專業人員,並組織工業安全衛生工作小組,輪流至各工廠進行環境測定、作業場所評估及作業改善輔導等事項。本委員會另一方面亦與有關主管機關保持密切聯繫,接受輔導。此外,本委員會亦經常邀請外國專家來台,指導改善,或舉辦研討會,或組團赴國外考察、觀摩。簡言之,在本管理模式下,利用公會之整合力量,同時藉重學術研究單位的專業知識及技術,並接受行政主管機關的輔導,確可達到改善作業環境、有效降低石綿污染之目的。因此種以公會組織之管理模式可在經費不足、專業人力缺乏,及改善技術不佳等困難下,達到改善作業環境的目的,故欲落實其他小型工廠之工業安全衛生工作,本報告中所述之公會組織管理模式,應可供參採之用。
    Considerable world-wide attention has been directed to the control of asbestos in the workplace. Although the various practical options for controlling of asbestos in large plants are well established, there are many contraints in regard go the finance resources, trained personnel, legislative coverage and overall strategy for control in small factories (eg. asbestos cement (A/C) sheet factory in this country). This paper describes an organization pattern to overcome the abovementioned problem. It is based on the cooperative principle under which 18 out of the 23 A/C sheet factories pool their finance resources to form a system of group industrial hygiene services. Independently, small establishments can not afford to have any health services at all, but by sharing costs, They can have the benefit of the services. The services consist of an industrial hygiene group staffed by two industrial hygienists, one industrial hygiene technician, and one secretary from the Chinese A/C sheet Factory Association. The services are delivered to the factories throung mobile unit activities. The mobile unit makes regular circuit to member factories at least twice a year, depending on the number of employees. Among the industrial hygiene services, the organization offers work-site as well as environmental monitoring, evaluation and control of asbestos is one of the most essential activities. The intensive monitoring, evaluation and control of work environments in the A/C sheet factories is well reflected by the remarkable reduction in airborne asbestos concentration among the membership factories. The group, which is organized under the form of a juridical person, is storongly supported by the government and closely connected with research institution.
  • 77 - 87
  • 10.6288/CJPH1994-13-01-07
  • Link 原著 Original Article
  • 鼻咽癌的家族聚集及多因子遺傳分析Familial Aggregation and Multifactorial Inheritance of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
  • 許芳源、徐茂銘、鄭玉娟、陳建仁
    Fang-Yuan Hsu, Mow-Ming Hsu, Yu-Juen Cheng, Chien-Jen Chen

  • Nasopharyngeal carcinoma ; Familial aggregation ; Multifactorial inheritance
  • 為探討鼻咽癌的家族聚集及多因子遺傳度,本研究對台大醫院耳鼻喉科1001名鼻咽癌病例,進行家族成員鼻咽癌盛行狀況的結構式問卷訪視:並且進一步以電話複訪438名居住大台北地區的鼻咽癌病例,以獲得更詳盡的一等親鼻咽癌發病資料。研究結果顯示,1001名鼻咽癌指標病例之父母、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、伯叔姑舅姨、和配偶的每千人口鼻咽癌盛行率分別是14.5、115、2.4、3.7、和1.0。根據上述一等親和二等親的盛行狀況,可推算鼻咽癌的多因子遺傳度±標準誤為0.50±0.02。根據438名大台北地區鼻咽癌指標病例之父母和兄弟姐妹的年齡別鼻咽癌累積發生率,推算鼻咽癌的多因子遺傳度±標準誤則為0.51±0.04。
    In order to assess the familial aggregation and multifactorial inheritance of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), a total of 1,001 index NPC cases were recruited from the Department of Otolaryngology, National Taiwan University Hospital. NPC status of family members were inquired through standardized interviews based on a structured questionnaire. Telephone interviews were further carried out to obtain cumulative NPC incidence among first-degree relatives of 438 index cases resided in metropolitan Taipei. The NPC prevalence was found to be 14.5, 11.5, 2.4, 3.7 and 1.0 per 1,000, respectively, for parents, sibling, grandparents, uncles and aunts, as well as spouses of NPC index cases. The multifactorial inheritance index ± standard error of NPC based on the prevalence were 0.50±0.02. Cumulative NPC incidence rates were significantly higher among parents and siblings of NPC cases than those for the general population in Taipei. The cumulative incidence-derived multifactorial inheritance index ± standard error of NPC were 0.51±0.04.
  • 88 - 94
  • 10.6288/CJPH1994-13-01-08
  • Link 原著 Original Article
  • 台北縣正常發展之幼兒的問題飲食行為Problem Eating Behavior among Young Children with Normal Development in Taipei County
  • 李蘭、曾倩玲、陳光和、蕭淑貞
    Lee-Lan Yen, Chin-Lin Tseng, Kuang-Ho Chen, Shu-Jen Hsiao
  • 飲食行為 ; 發展 ; 幼兒
    eating behavior ; development ; young children
  • 研究兒童的問題飲食行為之興趣,源自於飲食行為會影響兒童的生長和發育。為瞭解存在於幼兒的問題飲食行為現況,並探討它們是否與背景因素有關,以台北縣750位-至五歲的幼兒為對象,進行橫斷式調查。結果顯示,問題飲食行為包括吃零食(64.6%)、吃甜食(42.3%)、挑食(2.2%)、和拒食(32.7%)的分佈很普遍。問題飲食行為最早出現於幼兒出生後的第一年。有問題飲食行為的比率累積曲線,在三歲以前向上增加。問題飲食行為的重要預測變項有:幼兒年齡、兄弟姊妹數、母親教育、家庭經濟指標、和都市化水準等。建議問題飲食行為的預防或介入策略,應自幼兒時期及早開始。
    Interest in problem eating behavior in children has grown from a recognition that eating behaviors may contribute to child growth and development. In order to understand the status of problem eating behavior in young children and to examine whether background factors are related to them, a cross-sectional survey was conducted in Taipei County with 750 subjects between the ages of 1 and 5 years. The results showed that the common problem eating behavior includes eating snacks (64.6%), eating sweets (42.3%), picking foods (42.2%), and refusing foods (32.7%). Problem eating behavior has been seen in children as early as the first year of life. The cumulative rate curves of problem eating behavior increased by the age of 3 years. Child's age, number of siblings, mother's education, family economic index and urbanization level were selected as significant predictors with respect to problem eating behavior. It suggests that prevention or intervention of problem eating behavior should be implemented in young children as early as possible.
  • 95 - 104
  • 10.6288/CJPH1994-13-01-09