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  • 健康行為的概念與研究Concepts and Researches of Health Behavior
  • 李蘭
    Lee-Lan Yen
  • 健康行為 ; 研究類型 ; 決定因素 ; 應用
    health behavior ; types of research ; determinant ; application
  • 『健康行為』是整合不同學科的新領域。本文從健康行為研究的重要性、健康行為的操作定義、健康行為研究的類型、決定健康行為的因子、和健康行為研究的應用等方面加以討論。在未來的研究上,應從概念的澄清、理論的發展、和實證經驗的累積等各方面的努力,來提升健康行為研究的質和量。
    Health behavior is a newly emerging interdisciplinary field. The operational definitions of health behavior, the types of health behavior researches, and the application of health behavior researches were discussed. In the future research, increased conceptual clarity, the development and strengthening of explicit theoretical linkages, and increased empiricism are necessary to improve the quality and quantity of health behavior research.
  • 199 - 211
  • 10.6288/JNPHARC1991-10-05-01
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  • 台灣地區臨床護理人力異動及流失原因之探討Correlates of Clinical Nursing Manpower in Taiwan
  • 藍忠孚、徐秀英、顏貴紗、 蔡欣玲、沈宴姿、邱碧如、王瑋、杜敏世、余玉眉、蔡雀音
    Chung-Fu Lan, Hsiu-Yin Hsu, Kuei-Sae Yen, Sing-Ling Tsai, Yen-Tze Shen, Pe-Iu Chiu, Wei Wang, Min-Se Tu, Yu-Mei Chao, Chiau-Yin Tsai
  • 臨床護理 ; 護理人力 ; 人力異動 ; 人力流失
    Clinical nursing ; Nursing manpower ; Manpower turnover
  • 為瞭解台灣地區臨床護理人力高度異動和流失的原因,本研究針對1988年間全國56所教學醫院的護理人員,凡有院內、院際異動或離職者,採問卷調查方式,共發出4.178份問卷,回收了1,741份,有效問卷回收率為37.4%。研究結果顯示護理人員異動的主要原因,大都屬淤激勵因素,如注重於專業的發展,希望有機會學習和進修,而且教育程度愈高,與是否有自主性或獨立性和是否能提升自尊或較高工作滿足感呈正相關,而與工作空間與設備、工作地點離家距離和待遇較好呈負相關。 而護理人員主要的流失原因受醫院性質與政策的影響很大,常因人員不足、工作量太大、工作時間不定、夜班費太低、薪水福利不好或無法適應夜班生活等而離職,而為繼續進修也是主要原因。以上發生工作變動的護理人員年齡普遍偏低、工作年資短,因此若能更重視護理人員在醫療體系的角色和地位,改善工作環境,及檢討護理人員培育過程,安排上進的管道和機會,才能使臨床護理人員安定從事專業服務。
    To explore the major causes of very high frequency of clinical nursing manpower turnover in Taiwan, this study employed a set of questionnaires to 4, 178 clinical nurses who had intra-hospital transfer, inter-hospital transfer, or quit from the hospital in 1988. Research setting included all 56 accredited public and private teaching hospitals in the nation. One thousand and six nurses who transferred within or between hospitals, and 630 nurses who left the profession completed the questionnaires. Among the major causes of nursing manpower transfer were motivating factors related to professional career development. Nurses with higher educational background were positively relating to professional autonomy, respect, and job satisfaction; but negatively relating to work environment and salary. Loss of clinical nurses was mainly affected by the policy and characteristics of their hospital, such as shortage of manpower, heavy workload, irregular scheduling, lower pay and fringe benefits, and night shift duty. In addition, many were pursuing higher education. These nurses were usually younger and in relatively junior position. To retain clinical nurses, the study suggested a series of policy recommendations and managerial strategies
  • 212 - 225
  • 10.6288/JNPHARC1991-10-05-02
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  • 台灣地區護理專業教師離職原因之探討Correlates of Nursing Professional, Faculty Turnover in Taiwan
  • 藍忠孚、 沈蓉、陳寶芳、 金春華、 陳彩鳳、 劉淑娟、蔡雀音
    Chung-Fu Lan, Zon Shen, Pao-Fan Chen, Tsun-Hwa Chin, Tsai-Fong Chen, Sue-Jen Liu, Chiau-Yin Tsai
  • 護理教師 ; 護理人力 ; 離職原因
    Nursing faculty ; Nursing manpower ; Manpower turnover
  • 為提昇護理專業和加強人才培育,中華民國護理教育正處於大幅度改革的開始,使護理教師面臨極大壓力與挑戰,也有部份離職現象,為瞭解護理專業教師離職的原因,本研究採回溯性問卷調查研究法,以民國七十二年七月至七十年六月的五年期間,各級護理學校離職專業教師584人為對象,探討影響其離職的主要因素。研究結果顯示,離職專業教師最間切的問題,是護理教學的環境、教學工作本身、和進修或晉升的機會,而家庭因素,甚至待過問題並不是最主要的考量。因此本研究建議,合理規劃教師工作負荷、廣闢進修管道、檢討護理課程安排、和協助教師研究發表等,將可有效改善和提昇護理專業教師的工作滿意度。
    To upgrade the nursing profession and to strengthen nursing manpower, Taiwan is currently under drastic nursing education system reform. Therefore, nursing faculty in every level of the nursing educational system have faced tremendous pressures and challenges. This study designed a questionnaire to follow up the 584 nursing faculty (with 40.7% effective response rate), who had resigned from nursing schools between 1982 though 1988. Correlational results showed that macro-environment environment, teaching and research, advanced study and promotion were their primary concerns. Family care and salary were not confirmed as major considerations for resignation. This study suggested that re-evaluating teaching loads, expanding conitinuing education or advanced study channels, re-designing nursing curriculum, and supporting research and publications may Improve job satisfaction of nursing faculty
  • 226 - 237
  • 10.6288/JNPHARC1991-10-05-03
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  • 台灣地區公共衛生護理人力異動原因之探討Correlates of Public Health Nursing Manpower Turnover in Taiwan
  • 藍忠孚、林王美園、尹祚芊、賴幼玲、林金玉、孫喜祥、蔡雀音
    Chung-Fu Lan, Mei-Yuan Lin-Wang, Tso-Chien Yin, Yue-Ling Lai, Qin-Yu Lin, Shan-Shang Sun, Chiau-Yin Tsai
  • 公共衛生護理 ; 護理人力 ; 人力異動
    Public health nursing ; Nursing manpower ; Manpower turnover
  • 本研究旨在探討公共衛生護理人員異動或離職的原因。凡在民國七十七年三月至七十八年二月間,於衛生行政或教育體系內服務的公共衛生護理人員有工作變動者,均作問卷調查。此期間共有100名護理人員的離職或異動,有效問卷為96份。資料分析顯示,公共衛生護理人員的流動率僅為1.36%,遠比醫院臨床護理人員來得低。在離職或異動的主要原因分析得知,家庭、護理工作本身、和升遷發展等因素最重要,尤其是居家和服務單位距離太遠、家人需要照顧、工作量太大、護理工作不受重視、自主性低,和工作無發展或晉升機會等項目最為明顯。針對上迷結果,本研究亦對公共衛生護理專業和相關人力發展,分別作討論與建議,期能使公共衛生護理人員更配合未來的需求。
    The objective of this study was to examine the correlates of manpower turnover among public health nursing personnel in Taiwan. Study subjects were 96 out of the 100 public health nurses or school health nurses who were changing positions or leaving the profession during March 1988 through February 1989. The 96 respondents completed a survey questionnaire. The results showed that the turnover rate of public haelth nurses of school health nurses (1.36%) was much lower than that of clinical nurses (32.5%). Correlations between individual characteristics and major causes of turnover were performed. The primary causes of public health nursing manpower turnover were factors related to family care, nursing and administrative workloads, and career opportunity. Based upon the results of the study, policies and strategies on strengthening professional development and human resources development for public health nursing personnel were discussed and recommended.
  • 238 - 247
  • 10.6288/JNPHARC1991-10-05-04
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  • 台北地區婦女乳房自我檢查頻率相關因素之研究A Study on Factors Related to Women's Frequency of Breast Self-Examination in the Taipei Area
  • 季瑋珠、李蘭、林瑞雄
    Wei-Chu Chie, Lee-Lan Yen, Ruey-Shiung Lin
  • 乳房自我檢查
    Breast self-examination
  • 為瞭解台北地區婦女乳房自我檢查實施情形,本研究於台北縣市以多步驟按人口比例機率抽樣,抽出3,040名30-59歲之婦女,並進行家庭訪親。扣除戶籍登記錯誤,共有2.311人符合訪視條件。經過實地訪視共有1,749人(75.5%)完成訪問。本研究之研究架構係根據Green的PRECEDE模型。研究結果顯示:僅有8.4%的受訪者每月按時做乳房自我檢查。乳房自我檢查頻率得分最重要的相關因素為屬於“促使因素”的“教導來源”,次為同屬“促使因素”的“觀看醫藥保健節目”和“閱讀醫藥保健專欄”。人口學基本變項中只有“家庭結構”呈顯著相關,其餘如“教育程度”,“都市化程度”均為間接相關。根據研究結果吾人建議透過各種可能之管道,如傳播媒體,醫療院所及工作場所之衛生教育,教導並鼓勵婦女每月定期以正確方法實施乳房自我檢查,以期早期發現乳癌,早期接受治療。
    A questionnaire interview was conducted on a sample of 3,040 women aged 30-59 years in the Taipei area through multistage sampling with probability proportional to size. Excluding mistakes in household registration, there were 2,311 qualified subjects, 1, 749 of whom (75.5%) completed the interview. The study framework was set up according to Green's PRECEDE model. In the result of this study only 8.4% of the subjects performed breast self-examination monthly. The most remarkable associative factor for the score of the frequency of breast self-examination was ”source of instruction”, a variable of ”enabling factors”; other variables with strong associations were ”television contact” and ”newspaper contact”, which also belong to the enabling factors. Only one demographic factor-the family structure was found significantly related to the dependent variable. Other demographic characteristics such as ”educational level” and ”urbanizational level” were only indirectly related. The authors suggested using all possible routes of health education, such as mass media, hospitals and clinics, as well as workplaces to educate and encourage women to do breast self-examination monthly in correct techniques in order to early detect and treat breast cancer.
  • 248 - 259
  • 10.6288/JNPHARC1991-10-05-05
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  • 群體醫療執業中心對醫療可近性的影響The Impact of Group Practice Centers on Access to Health Care
  • 江東亮、楊志良、丁志音
    Tung-Liang Chiang, Chih-Liang Yaung, Chih-Yin Lew Ting
  • 群體醫療執業中心 ; 醫療可近性 ; 病人滿足感
    group practice center ; access to health care ; patients satifaction
  • 為提高醫療可近性,衛生署於民國72年起試辦「群體醫療執業中心計畫」,初期共成立12所群體醫療執業中心。為評估群體醫療執業中心對醫療可近性的影響本研究採單組前後?設計,矜群體醫療執業中心開辦前及開辦一年後以家庭訪視方法向此12所群體醫療執業中心所在鄉鎮居民收集研究資料,共有4811戶同時完成前利與復測兩次訪視。結果顯示:(1)與論成人或小孩生病,受訪家戶期望的第一步處理為赴外鄉鎮就醫的比率都顯著降低,(2)就受訪戶成員於受訪前一個月內的醫療服務利用情形而言,前測時衛生所提供3.5%的服務量,其他合格西醫師提供63.8%的服務量,但後則時群體醫療執業中心提供了22.0%的服務量,而其他合格西醫師提供的服務量則減為44.6%,以及(3)在主觀評價上,無論是距離、技術、藥效和服務態度,民眾大都感到滿意或非常滿意。因此,可以肯定群體醫療執業中心對提高醫療可近性的貢獻。但另一方面,本研究亦發現有無使康保險以及不同社會經濟地位間醫療服務利用的差距並未減少,因此建議醫療政策應重視民眾的就醫能力,特別是健康保險的問題。
    In order to increase access to health care the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, launched the group practice centers program in 1983. At the very beginning, 12 group practice centers (GPCs) were set up in 12 townships. This study intended to evaluate the impact of these 12 GPCs on access to health care. The data for the analysis came from an interview of 4811 households about the opening of the GPCs and one year later. The results of the study indicate that: (1) The proportion of households who preferred seeking first care from providers practicing in townships other than where they lived significantly decreased after the operating of GPCs. (2) Health stations provided 3.5% of total ser Vices demanded by the community prior to the opening of GPCs, but one year later GPCs provided 22.0% of total services. During the same period the proportion of services provided by other physicians decreased from 63.8% to 44.6%. (3) Most of households interviewed were satisfied with the GPCs in terms of geographic access and technical and personal management. Accordingly, the contribution of GPCs to increasing access to health care is conclusive. However, because this study also found that the gaps in health services utilization between having and not having health insurance and between different socioeconomic groups remained after the implementation of GPCs program, health care policy thus shall pay attention to enabling factors including health insurance.
  • 260 - 268
  • 10.6288/JNPHARC1991-10-05-06
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  • 林園地區民眾對公害反應之研究The Reaction of Residents to the Nuisance in Linyuan Area
  • 吳珮瑜、胡幼慧
    Pei-Yu Wu, Yow-Hwey Hu
  • 環境污染
    Environmental Pollution
  • 本研究之目的在於探討居民對於公害事件的看法、其自覺風險、對環境污染之認知、對政府及廠方之滿意度、以及對環境保護行為之態度與採行狀況。本研究以高雄林園事件為例,對林園鄉受污染且得到賠償之汕尾三村以及鄰近做為對照的四村中18歲以上居民進行抽樣調查。其主要結果如下: (1)樣本區屬於農漁並作區,已遭受林園工業區多年之污染,經濟損失頗鉅。然而林園事件之賠償未經任何鑑定,使得對照區民(特別是自覺風險高者)產生不公平的感受,並有1/4認為樣本區居民以賠償為主要訴求,與5%樣本區居民認為賠償不是主要訴求的自訴結果相去甚遠。 (2)自覺健康風險及經濟損失,以樣本區居民為最高。 (3)居民對社區內污染狀況之認知最高,對環境政策之認知則最差。 (4)一旦發生污染事件,居民多傾向於期望廠方能賠償受害居民。 (5)一半左右居民對政府及廠方感到不滿,其中又以樣本區、久居者、36-55歲、認知高及自覺風險高者較為不滿。 (6)居民較贊成個人預防行為,較不贊成集體抗爭。但是樣本區、從事漁業者及自覺健康風險高者較贊成集體抗爭,並有較高的採行比率。而年輕人、女性、居住時間較短者,環境污染認知高者則較贊成個人性質的防範及處理。
    This study is intended to probe into the local community people's view .points about nuisance, self-perceived risk, awareness of environmental pollution, degree of satisfaction about government and the factories, attitude and actions about environmental protection behaviors. The study takes the Linyuan incident taking place in Kaohsiung as an example and takes samples out of the residents age over 18 in three villages who received compensations in the Linyuan pollution incident and four neighboring villages for comparison. Highlights of the survey findings: 1. The sample area-a zone of farming and fishery in combination, has been subject to Linyuan Industrial Zone pollution for many years and heavy economic losses, The compensations for Linyuan incident were, however, given without any accredited surveys. This leads to an unfair feeling to residents in the comparative areas (especially those of high risk awareness)- fast differing from the results of residents, live in the comparative areas, believed Linyuan industrial zone's people took compensation as the main point of protests, but 5% residents, live in the sample area, claimed that compensation was not their main appealing point. 2. Residents inside the sample area show the highest awareness of health and economic damages. 3. The residents shov the highest awareness of pollution inside the zone and the least acknowledge of environmental policies. 4. Once there is a pollution incident, the residents are mostly inclined to the desires of getting compensations from the factory. 5. Around half of the residents were discontented with government and 'factories, especially those inside the sample area, old timers in the zones, age 36-55, high awareness and high self-perceived risks. 6. The residents were more in favor of individual prevention and more in disagreement with collective protest. Inside the sample area, hovever, the fishermen and those of high self awareness of health were more in favor of collective protests, and showed hither rates in such actions. Youths, females, less old dwellers and those of high environmental pollution awareness are more in favor of individual prevention and actions.
  • 269 - 285
  • 10.6288/JNPHARC1991-10-05-07
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  • 校園階梯環境與學生體能之關係研究The Relationship between School's Stair Environment and Students' Fitness
  • 施金水、李蘭、潘怜燕
    Chin-Shui Shih, Lee-Lan Yen, Ling-Yen Pan
  • 校園階梯 ; 體能 ; 青少年
    school's stairs environment ; physical fitness ; adolescent
  • 為探討校園階梯環境與學生體能間的關係。選取座落於台北市松山區的兩所國民中學之學生為對象。根據校園之階梯量,兩校被區分為多階梯學校和少階梯學校。經分層抽樣共取得樣本數827人,於七十七學年度第一學期,利用問卷、量表、記錄表和實地測驗等方式。收集研究樣本的背景資料、人格特質、有關運動的知識和態度、健康習慣、階梯使用情形和體能等資料。結果發現多階梯學校三年級學生在腹肌力/肌耐力(男生:36.4,女生:26.1,單位:次/分/仰臥起坐),以及功率(男生:63,女生:5.3,單位:合尺/立定三次跳)兩個體能指標上,顯著地優於少階梯學校三年級學生(男生:26.8,女生:13.5,單位:次/分/仰臥起坐;男生:5.7,女生:3.3,單位:介尺/立定三次跳)。另外以複?歸分析控制其它自變項援,多階梯學校之三年級學生平均較少階梯學校三年級之學生每分鐘多做15.73次仰臥起坐,立定三次跳亦多跳出1.67公尺,這結果更證實了「校別」對體能的影響。因此本研究建議,應鼓勵青少年在其白天所處的校園環境中利用現有的階梯來鍛鍊體能。並在未來以長期追蹤研究,更進一步確定階梯使用與體能的關係。
    In order to study the relationship between school's ”stair environment” and students' physical fitness, students of two junior high schools in Taipei City were selected. Schools were classified as ”more stairs' school” and ”fewer stairs' school” according to the number of stair steps students took in campus. 827 students were sampled by stratified cluster sampling. In the first semester of 1988 academic year, the data of students' demographic background, personality trail, knowledge and attitute about exercise, health habits, stairs' use and physical fitness were collected by structured questionnaire, psychologic scales, records of moving pathway in school and physical fitness test. The results showed that senior students in ”more stairs' school” had higher physical fitness level in abdominal strength/endurance and power tests (34.6 times/minute in sit-ups and 6.3 meters in standing jump tests for male, 21.6 times/minute in sit-ups and 5.3 meters in standing long jump tests for female) that those in ”fewer stairs' school” (26.8 times/minute in sit-ups and 5.7 meters in standing long jump tests for male; 13.5 times/minute in sit-ups and 3.3 meters in standing long jump for female). The results of multiple regression analysis estimated senior students in ”more stairs' school” took 15.73 times per minute in sit-ups and 1.67 meters in standing long jump tests more than those in ”fewer stairs' school”. These findings indicated that physical fitness of teenagers is associated with the number of stairs in schools. Further longitudinal studies are encouraged to estimate the rate of improvement in teenager's physical fitness by using stairs in campus.
  • 286 - 295
  • 10.6288/JNPHARC1991-10-05-08
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  • 牙醫師之尿液和頭髮中汞濃度與其工作環境相關因子的研究A Study on the Relationship of Mercury Levels of Dentists' Urine and Hair and Conditions of Practice
  • 梁玲郁、藍忠孚、毛義方
    Ling-Yuh Liang, Chung-Fu Lan, I-Fang Mao
  • 牙醫師 ; 尿 ; 髮中汞濃度 ; 工作環境相關因子
    dentist ; mercury level in hair and urine ; working condition

  • The mercury levels of urine and hair in 92 dentists and 80 bank staffs were determined by the cold vapor atomic absorption spectrophotometer and hydride formation system. The dentists were sampled by stratified proportional systematic method from the dentist practicing in Taipei city, and the bank staffs as control group. The results indicated the geometric mean of dentists' mercury levels in urine and hair were 5.54×÷l.88µg/g creatinine, and 6.31×÷1.85µg/g. Those levels of the dentists were significantly higher than those of control, (p<0.0001) l.90×÷3.40µg/g creatinine in urine and 4.14×÷1.53µg/g in hair. And the results showed the hair mercury concentration is related to the floor type of dental clinic, suction type of old amalgam removed and working experience hours.
  • 296 - 303
  • 10.6288/JNPHARC1991-10-05-09
  • Link 其他 Others
  • 某鹼氯工廠原作業員職業性暴露及其健康狀況之評估Health Screening on Ex-Workers from a Chloralkali Plant
  • 葉錦塋、王榮德
    Ching-Ying Yeh, Jung-Der Wang
  • 鹼氯工廠作業員 ; 汞 ; 視野縮小
    Chloralkali Workers ; Mercury ; Visual Field Constrition

  • The employees of chloralkali plants were studied to correlate the signs and symptoms of mercury toxicity with levels of exposure. For purposes of comparison, 40 workers were divided into three groups according to their actual contact with mercury in the tasks. No significant trend and differences of age adjusted odds ratios of symptoms and signs were found in three groups. Only in low exposure group we found one case with a slightly prolonged latency of evoked potential of peroneal nerve and another one with mild hand tremor and visual field constrition in high exposure group. Because the exposure was stopped for 40 days before examination, the clinical findings were probably under estimated. Pulmonary function tests were also performed. After adjustment of sex, age, height and smoking, the percentage prediction of the forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV10) and the maximal expiratory flow at 50 percent of vital capacity (V(subscript max)50) revealed a borderline significant association (0.05
  • 304 - 312
  • 10.6288/JNPHARC1991-10-05-10
  • Link 其他 Others
  • 某鹼氯工廠原作業員職業性暴露及其血、尿、髮中汞濃度之關係Occupational Exposure and Mercury Concentrations in Blood, Urine and Hair among Chloralkali Ex-Workers
  • 葉錦塋、王榮德
    Ching-Ying Yeh, Jung-Der Wang
  • 鹼氯工廠作業員 ; 汞 ; 血液 ; 尿液 ; 頭髮
    Chloralkali Workers ; Mercury ; Blood ; Urine ; Hair

  • The mercury pollution of the agricutural and marine environment in Taiwan by chloralkali plant waste was reported before. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the history of occupational mercury exposure and mercury levels in various biological material of chloralkali ex-workers. Mercury concentrations in urine, blood and scalp hair of 40 workers in a chloralkali plant were determinated by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The employment history of workers was collected with a questionnaire. The range and arithmetic mean (± standard error of mean) of mercury levels were 1.6-105.5µg/I and 25.5 (±3.5) µg/l in urine, 1.2-4.4µg/dl and 2.7 (±0.12) µg/dl in blood, and 2.0-258.5µg/g and 24.2 (±8.0) µg/g in hair. For 14 of the workers who were working in the electrolysis tank area and directly exposed to mercury vapor, the blood levels were not different from others. However, the urine and hair levels were significantly elevated in high exposure group (Mann-Whitney test, p<0.05): 42.6 (±6.7) µg/l, 64.4 (±11.5) µg/day in urine and 57.4 (±19.6) µg/g in hair. Moreover, the hair and urine mercury levels was positively correlated (Kendall correlation coefficient = 0.38, P<0.05). These results suggest that urine and hair mercury levels may be used as indices of long-term exposure to mercury, even though these workers have not been working in chloralkali plant for 40 days before this examination.
  • 313 - 320
  • 10.6288/JNPHARC1991-10-05-11
  • Link 其他 Others
  • 台灣地區雙胞胎嬰兒家庭心臟血管疾病危險因子的分離分析Segregation Analysis of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Families of Twin Infants in Taiwan
  • 曾玟富、戴政、 陳建仁
    Wen-Fuh Tseng, John-Jen Tai, Chein-Jen Chen
  • 心臟血管疾病 ; 遺傳度 ; 混合模式 ; 鑑別分析
    Cardiovascular Disease ; Heritability ; Mixed Model ; Discriminant Analysis
  • 膽固醇、三酸甘油酯、高密度脂蛋白膽固醇、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇、血壓及肥胖都是常見的心臟血管疾病的危險因子。本研究的目的在於利用同卵雙胞胎及其父母親的各心臟血管疾病危險因子的測量值,以混合模式的假設,發展類似鑑別分析(discriminant analysis)的方法來估計遺傳率,以評估遺傳和環境作用的相對重要性。父母親及兩個同卵雙胞胎均有測量值的家庭數,因危險因子的不同而異:肥胖度有58個家庭,膽固醇有37個,三酸甘油酯36個,心縮壓43個,心舒壓47個,高密度脂蛋白膽固醇23個,低密度脂蛋白膽固醇21個。本研究所估計的遺傳率,心縮壓?0.28,心舒壓?0.57,高密度脂蛋白膽固醇?0.57-0.65,低密度脂蛋白膽因醇?0.60-0.70,血清膽固醇?0.62,血清三酸甘油酯?0.65-0.70,肥胖度?0.68-0.73,此結果顯示危險因子受遺傳作用的影響很大。本研究受到樣本數少,變異數不穩定的限制,遺傳率估計值的變動也較大。
    Serum cholesterol, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, and low density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood pressure as well as obesity are usually regarded as the major risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. The objective of this study is to develop a quantitative method for analyzing quantitative traits of monozygotic twins and their parents with an aim to estimate the heritability of the major gene based on the assumption of mixed model. The numbers of families in which the continuous measurements of cardiovascular risk factors among two parents and their monozygotic twin children were all available varied from 21 for low density lipoprotein cholesterol to 58 for obesity. The heritability of the major gene was estimated as 0.28 for systolic blood pressure, 0.57 for diastolic blood pressure, 0.57-0.65 for high density lipoprotein cholesterol, 0.60-0.70 for low density lipoprotein cholesterol, 0.62 for cholesterol, 0.65-0.70 for triglycerides and 0.68-0.73 for obesity. The results suggest a relatively strong genetic influence on these cardiovascular disease risk factors. However, small sample size of this study may result in estimates with a large variation
  • 321 - 330
  • 10.6288/JNPHARC1991-10-05-12
  • Link 綜論 Review Article
  • 台灣地區公共衛生研究所學位論文分析,1963-1991Graduate Thesis of Public Health in Taiwan Area, 1963-1991
  • 尤瑞鴻、江東亮、藍忠孚
    Jui-Hung Yu, Tung-Liang Chiang, Chung-Fu Lan
  • 學位論文 ; 公共衛生
    Graduate Thesis ; Public Health
  • 本研究蒐集1963至1991年台灣地區七所公共衛生相關研究所畢業之476位碩、博士研究生所撰574篇畢業論文,經過整理與分類,期望能提供合共衛生研究人員便捷的資訊管道。 研究結果依性質分類,自1980年以來,所有類別的研究論文數量皆顯著增加,尤其是衛生行政類的遞增最快,論文總數達305篇(53.1%);其次,流行病學與生物統計類論文數目次多,共161篇(28.1%);而環境衛生類最少;只有99篇(17.2%)。究其理由。除因公共衛生研究所、研究生的數目增加外,更代表合共衛生專業需求量的成長及多元化,尤其醫務管理研究所的成立,和1994年底即將實行的全民健康保險。公共衛生研究是衛生政策的基礎,而好的品質有賴充份的資訊,本研究開始建立學位論文資料檔案,期能提供研究者參考助益。
    Sum of 574 articles from 476 graduate students of 7 Public Health-related institutions in Taiwan Area from 1903 to 1991 are collected and indexed to enhance the research activities. This study is to establish the information, collection and analysis of these papers for the use of biomedical and health professionals in relevant fields. According to the result of analysis, the field of Health Policy and Administration had 305 articles, Epidemiology and Statistics had 161 articles, Environmental Health had 99 articles, the others had 9 articles. During the past several decades, modernization and urbanization have brough new issues of Public Health in Taiwan. Graduate students and theses of Public Health-related have made great growth in Medical college to meet those needs. Nevertheless, we can fore-ses that by the end of 1994 after the program of the National Health Insurance is full implement, it will pose even more challenges to the goal of providing high quality of health care delivery to the people.
  • 331 - 352
  • 10.6288/JNPHARC1991-10-05-13