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  • 「國民健康訪問調查」之調查設計、內容、執行方式與樣本人口特性The design, contents, operation and the characteristics of the respondents of the 2001 National Health Interview Survey in Taiwan
  • 石曜堂、洪永泰、張新儀、劉仁沛、林惠生、張明正、張鳳琴、熊昭、吳聖良
    Yaw-Tang Shih, Yung-Tai Hung, Hsing-Yi Chang, Jen-Pei Liu, Hui-Sheng Lin, Ming-Cheng Chang, Fong-Ching Chang, Chao A. Hsiung, Shang-Liang Wu
  • 調查 ; 國民健康 ; 抽樣 ; 問卷設計 ; 樣本
    Survey ; Health ; Sampling Scheme ; Questionnaire Design ; demographic characteristics
  • 目標:「國民健康訪問調查」是跨機構的合作計畫,目的在建立一機制,定期調查國民健康狀況及健康相關之需求,提供決策者制訂政策之依據。方法:本調查由國家衛生研究院醫療保健政策研究組統籌規劃,國民健康局衛生教育中心負責問卷設計,人口與健康調查研究中心負責訪視調查之執行,國家衛生研究院生物統計與生物資訊研究組負責統籌抽樣設計和資料庫之建立。本計畫採用多段分層系統抽樣設計(multistage stratified systematic sampling design),將台灣地區359個鄉鎮市區依地理位置和都市生活圈為七大層,每層內採用抽取率與單位大小成比例方式(Probability Proportional to Size, PPS)抽出鄉鎮市區,被抽到的鄉鎮市區內再抽出鄰,最後每鄰抽出四戶。訪問內容以影響健康的因素為基礎,如個人、社會和物質環境及醫療政策等。結果:台灣地區共抽出6,592戶(26,685人)。山地離島、地區因人口少,被抽到的機率小,另行加重抽樣,山地地區抽出608戶(2,797人),離島地區抽出432戶(1,954人)。問卷的設計在考慮健康指標的需求與面訪的特性後,設計成五種問卷包括有家戶問卷、12歲以上個人問卷、12歲以下個人問卷、12~19歲青少年自填問卷、20~65歲自填生活品質問卷。結論:問卷經過專家效度檢定;抽出之樣本經過整理後,台灣地區應訪戶有6,364戶,其中5,789戶完訪,完訪率為91.1%,完訪戶中之實住人口有23,473人,其中22,121人(94.2%)完訪。收到的所有問卷資料均經過嚴格的品質管制,並建立於資料庫中,可供研究人員使用,並可提供政府衛生相關機構制訂政策之重要參考。
    Objectives: NHIS is a survey to understand the general health of the resident civilian non-institutionalized population in Taiwan. Once the regular survey system is well established, it will provide information in making timely health related policies. Method: The survey incorporated a multi-stage stratified systematic sampling scheme. If first divided 359 townships/districts of Taiwan into 7 strata according to their geographical location and degree of urbanization. Townships or districts in each stratum were selected with selection probability proportional to their sizes (PPS). In each selected township/district, lins (the smallest administrative unit) were selected with PPS. Four households were selected randomly from each selected lin. Each member in the selected household was to be interviewed. Results: Altogether, 6,592 households (26,658 persons) were sampled from the whole Taiwan area. Due to the small population sizes of mountainous areas and off-shore islands, these areas were oversampled. In mountainous areas, another 608 households (2,797persons) were sampled. In off-shore islands, 432 households (1,954 persons) were sampled. This resulted in equal probability samples. Development of questionnaires was based on the DOH needs of health indicators and the nature and nurture factors affecting health. The final version of questionnaire was composed of 5 parts: questionnaire for household, for individuals older than 12 years, for individuals younger than 12 years, self-administered questionnaire for teenagers between 12 and 19 years, WHO quality of life for adults aged between 20 and 65. Conclusion: This survey was well designed. The demographic characteristics of the samples were consistent with the population. The response rate was 91.1% for households and 94.2% for individuals. The information gathered by this survey was very valuable in designing health related programs and policies.
  • 419 - 430
  • 10.6288/TJPH2003-22-06-01
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  • 「國民健康訪問調查」資料管理系統之介紹The National Health Interview Survey Information System: An Overview
  • 林定香、張新儀、翁文舜、陳怡如、卓恩伃、熊昭、劉仁沛
    Ting-Hsiang Lin, Hsing-Yi Chang, Wen-Shun Weng, Yi-Ju Chen, En-Yu Cho, Chao A. Hsiung, Jen-Pei Liu
  • 國民健康訪問調查 ; 國民健康訪問調查資料管理系統 ; 資料庫
    National Health Interview Survey ; NHISIS ; database
  • 目標:本文主旨在於介紹國民健康訪問調查資料管理系統之發展架構、各項系統功能以及其在制定衛生政策上之助益。方法:國民健康訪問調查是一全國的大型訪問調查,採用面訪方式進行資料收集。本文將分別從系統管理者與資料使用者兩方面來介紹國民健康訪問調查資料管理系統。結果:此資料管理系統包括問卷資料收退件、資料輸入、資料比對查詢、資料稽核與鎖定、系統管理、資料擷取、及統計分析等功能。資料庫架構係依據問卷內容劃分為不同資料檔,各檔案間以問卷編號為鍵值,靈活連結個人或家戶的所有資料。結論:在資料的處理過程中,系統提供嚴密的控管以確保資料的正確性及安全性。目前正於管理系統中新增網際網路功能,以期在未來能便捷地將國民健康訪問調查之各項資訊呈現給社會大眾。
    Objectives: This paper provides an overview of the National Health Interview Survey Information System (NHISIS): its origins and history, its design and content, its management and dissemination as well as its used for making public health policy. Methods: The National Health Interview Survey was conducted by face-to-face interviews with large cross-sectional sample surveys of the nation’s population. Emphasis is given to the features in NHISIS from both the data manager’s and data user’s population. Emphasis is given to the features in NHISIS from both the data manager’s and data user’s perspectives. Results: The major functions of NHISIS include data entry, validation, correction processing, data audits, and data management. The contents of the survey and database structure as well as the relationship among different data sets are illustrated. Users can link variables at individual- or household-levels or individuals within the same household. Conclusion: The database system is developed with accuracy, accessibility, flexibility, and policy relevance. The information of the database provides policy makers useful insight in making public health decisions. Release of the health statistics on the World Wide Web is another major mission of NHISIS.
  • 431 - 440
  • 10.6288/TJPH2003-22-06-02
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  • 台灣地區老年人健康行為之影響因素分析Factors Contributing to Health Behaviors among the Elderly in Taiwn
  • 許志成、徐祥明、徐瑱淳、石曜堂、戴東原
    Chih-Cheng Hsu, Hsiang-Ming Hsu, Chen-Chun Shu, Yaw-Tang Shih, Tong-Yuan Tai
  • 老人 ; 吸菸 ; 運動 ; 流感疫苗接種 ; 健康行為
    elderly ; smoking ; exercise ; influenza immunization ; health behavior
  • 目標:探討台灣地區老年人吸菸、運動及接種流感疫苗等三類健康行為之盛行率,並研究此三類行為與個人人口學變項及主客觀健康狀況間之關係。方法:民國九十年「國民健康訪問調查」依等機率抽樣設計所採訪的樣本中,選取年齡等於或大於65歲者為本研究之樣本。卡方檢定(Chi-square)與邏輯回歸分析(logistic regression)為本研究所採用的統計方法。結果:在吸菸行為方面,年齡小於75歲、男性、教育程度愈低、沒有與伴侶同住、和有工作皆為老年人吸菸的促進因素。在運動習慣方面,年齡小於75歲、女性、教育程度在國中或以上、個人月平均收入在一萬元以上、沒有工作、自覺健康較好、日常生活行動無困難、以及有罹患慢性病之老人較會從事運動。在流感疫苗接種方面,年齡介於75~85歲者、有與伴侶同住者、與罹患慢性病愈多者的接受度愈高。結論:教育程度較低、沒有與伴侶同住、男性且年齡相對較輕之老人是老年人口中健康行為較不理想之高危險族群,吾人應就此一對象群體進一步設計合宜之健康促進介入策略,藉以協助增進其健康。
    Objectives: To study the relationships among demographic characteristics, health status and health behaviors including smoking, exercise, and influenza vaccination among the elderly in Taiwan. Methods: Those who ere interviewed in the National Health Interview survey (NHIS) in 2001, aged 65 and above were included in this study. Due to the sampling method of PPS (Probability proportional to size) used in NHIS, the study sample basically represented senior citizens who resided in Taiwan in 2001. Chi-square test and logistic regression were two statistical techniques used in this study. Results: Those aged 75 and below, male, less educated, currently employed, and not living with a partner were more likely to be current smokers. Those younger than 75 years of age, female, having junior-high school education or above, possessing a monthly income of more than 10 thousand NT dollars, personally well-perceived health, suffering from some chronic diseases, unemployed, and functioning normally in daily activities were more likely to engage in exercise. Those aged between 75 and 85, living with a partner and suffering from some chronic diseases were more likely to have received an influenza vaccine immunization. Conclusion: The elderly who were younger than 75 years of age, male, less educated, and not living with a partner were less likely to conduct behaviors conducive to health. It is suggested to provide appropriate health promotion interventions that are specifically designed for this high-risk group.
  • 441 - 452
  • 10.6288/TJPH2003-22-06-03
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  • 國人吸菸行為現況:2001年國民健康調查之分析The Current Status of Smoking Behavior in Taiwan: Data Analysis from National Health Interview Survey in 2001
  • 鄭丁元、溫啟邦、蔡孟娟、 蔡善璞
    Ting-Yuan Cheng, Chi-Pang Wen, Meng-Chuan Tsai, Shan-Pou Tsai
  • 國民健康調查 ; 吸菸 ; 盛行率
    National Health Interview Survey ; NHIS ; smoking ; prevalence
  • 目標:瞭解國人吸菸率與戒菸率的現況,並探討國人吸菸量與吸菸起始年齡中位數兩項吸菸行為指標。方法:為一描述性的研究設計,針對台灣地區成年國民,利用2001年舉辦之國民健康調查資料進行分析。結果:國人成人男性之吸菸盛行率為46.5%,女性為4.2%,戒菸率男性為7.1%,女性為0.5%;男性每天吸菸者每日吸17.2支;男性開始吸菸年齡之中位數在1970-74的出生世代降至18歲,女性降至20歲。結論:國人男性吸菸率呈現緩慢下降趨勢,女性吸菸率大致維持不變。未來研究需擬定標準問卷持續監測國人的吸菸與戒菸行為,菸害防制政策應優先考量提高戒菸率與預防開始吸菸。
    Objectives: To analyze the prevalence of current smokers and ex-smokers and smoking behavior among adults in Taiwan. Method: The stud subjects came from a representative sample of the population in Taiwan and the data was collected through the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) in 2001. Results: The smoking rate was 46.5% in males and 4.2% in females and the ex-smoker rate was 7.1% in males and 0.5% in females. The average daily consumption was 17.2 cigarettes among male daily smokers. The median age of smoking initiation among males declined from 20 to 18 years old and among females from 30 to 20, in birth cohort f 1970-74. Conclusions: The male smoking arte has been decreasing slowly and the number of ex-smokers has remained low. Smoking was initiated at an earlier period in life than two decades ago. The future emphasis of tobacco control policies in Taiwan should include: (1) the development of a surveillance system for smoking, to be conducted year after year with consistent standardized questionnaires and (2) strategies to sharply increase cessation rates and to prevent smoking from being initiated.
  • 453 - 464
  • 10.6288/TJPH2003-22-06-04
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  • 國人自覺心理健康:2001年國民健康訪問調查結果Self-perceived Mental Health of Taiwan Residents: Results of 2001 National Health Interview Survey
  • 鍾文慎、張新儀、石曜堂、溫啟邦
    Wen-Shen Isabella Chung, Hsing-Yi Chang, Yaw-Tang Shih, Chi-Pang Wen
  • 心理健康狀態 ; 國民健康訪問調查 ; 自覺健康狀態量表
    mental health ; NHIS ; SF-36
  • 目標:了解不同性別、年齡、地區、就業及婚姻狀態等之國人心理健康狀態分布情形。方法:分析2001年國民健康訪問調查資料,研究對象為年滿20歲並回答「自覺健康狀態量表(SF-36)(The 36-Item Short From Health Survey)」中有關心理健康構面之資料者,分數超過樣本平均分數者定義為心理健康較佳者。結果:有效樣本共有7,296位男性及7,556位女性,心理健康分數總平均值為72.8(±16.8),由於抽樣單位是家戶,戶中全訪,分析單位是個人,分析方法均考慮家戶影響。男性心理健康較佳者約有57.9%,多於女性之46.6%。20-44歲、45-64歲及65歲及以上之男性,其心理健康平均分數各為74.7(Standard Error, SE=0.25)、75.9(SE=0.35)及74.9(SE=0.53),女性各為71.3(SE=0.26)、70.8(SE=0.35)及67.2(SE=0.58)。日常活動(Activity of Daily Living, ADL)有困難者之平均分數為最低。控制其他變項後:總體而言,男性(Odds ratio, OR=1.47;95% Confidence Interval, CI, 1.37-1.57)、已婚者(OR=1.13;95% CI, 1.02-1.25)、有工作者(OR=1.45;95% CI, 1.25-1.67)以及無ADL困難者(OR=3.14;95% CI, 2.31-4.28)之自覺心理健康較佳,中壯年(45-64歲)者之自覺心理健康較差。男性心理健康之趨勢與總體趨勢很類似,唯居住於宜花東地區者較其他地區較佳;女性則於20-44歲明顯不佳(OR=0.70;95% CI, 0.57-0.87),桃竹苗地區(OR=1.34;95% CI, 1.03-1.75)較宜花東地區為佳。結論:自覺身體健康狀況、身體功能、年齡及性別等因素與國人自覺心理健康狀況有關,自覺健康狀況較差者、失能(ADL有困難)者、失業者,以及20-44歲女性為需要較多關注之族群。
    Objectives: To analyze the distribution of the self-perceived mental health status by demographic variables, SES (Socio-economic status), employment status, and ADL (Activity of Daily Living) status among the residents in Taiwan. Methods: We used data from the 2001 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) in Taiwan, for adults aged 20 or older, who provided effective answers to the questions on mental health domain of SF-36 (The 36-Item Short Form Health Survey). The subjects were classified as being in better mental health, if they scored above average. Because the household was the sampling unit, and the individual was the analysis unit, statistical methods adjusting the correlation within household were used in all the analysis. Results: A total of 7,296 males and 7,556 females were recruited. The overall mean scored higher than average. The means values for males aged 20-44, 45-64, and 65 years or older, were 74.7, 75.9, and 74.9, respectively. These values were 71.3, 70.8, and 67.2 for their female counterparts. Mean score for disabled persons were the lowest among all groups. After controlling for other variables, males had better mental health than females (Odd ratio, OR=1.47; 95% Confidence Interval, CI, 1.37-1.57). Persons perceived themselves as having good/better physical health (OR=2.54; 95% CI, 2.36-2.73), the employed persons (OR=1.45; 95% CI, 1.25-1.67), persons without ADL dysfunction (OR=3.14; 95% CI, 2.31-4.28), and married persons (OR=1.13; 95% CI, 1.02-1.25) all had better mental health than other groups. Males in other parts of Taiwan (OR range=0.65~0.78, 95% CI) had worse mental health than those resided in the eastern part of the island. Females in the northwestern part of the island (OR1.34; 95% CI, 1.03-1.75) had better mental health than those in other parts of the island. Females below 45 years had worse mental health (OR=0.70, 95% CI, 0.57-0.87) than those in other age groups. Conclusions: Self-perceived physical health status, physical function, age and gender were the factors associated with the self-perceived mental health in Taiwan. The disabled, the unemployed, and women below 45 years of age may require more attention on their mental health.
  • 465 - 473
  • 10.6288/TJPH2003-22-06-05
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  • 台灣地區兒童特殊靜態活動、高熱量飲食攝取及身體質量指數之分析:2001年NHIS之結果The Analysis of Special Physical Inactivity, Higher Energy Intakes and Body Mass Index of Children in Taiwan: Results of 2001 National Health Interview Survey
  • 樂冠華、潘怜燕、林明珠、張新儀、石曜堂
    Kuan-Hua Lo, Ling-Yen PAn, Ming-Chu Lin, Hsing-Yi Chang, Yaw-Tang Shih
  • 靜態活動 ; 高熱量飲食攝取 ; 身體質量指數 ; 國民健康訪問調查
    physical inactivity ; higher energy intakes ; body mass index ; National Helth Interview Survey in Taiwan ; NHIS
  • 目標:以2001年國健調查結果來瞭解台灣地區學齡兒童看電視、打電腦、看書及速食、點心、含糖飲料攝取現況,以及是否和過重有關。方法:資料來源為2001年國民健康訪問調查中12歲以下個人問卷,並與其家戶中12歲以上個人問卷及家戶問卷串連。問卷中之人口變項、每星期看電視、打電腦及看書的時間、每星期攝取速食類、點心類及飲料類的次數及BMI是本研究的分析重點。結果:平日約20-30%的孩童每天看電視大於2小時,但到了假日,看電視時間大於2小時的孩童增加至60-70%。平日看電視時間皆隨家戶收入不同有顯著不同,年齡群和平日/假日打電腦時間也有顯著相關。在速食類、點心類及飲料類的攝取上,約30%的孩童每星期攝取速食類超過1次,約50%的孩童每星期攝取點心類超過2次,約70%的孩童每星期攝取飲料類也超過一次。孩童過重情形也考量家中12歲以上的成員中是否大多數過重(超過50%)。結果發現在控制年齡後,家中成員過半數過重者,其過重的機率比家中成員過重比率低於50%者高,男生高出61%,女生更嚴重(OR:2.12, CI:1.49-3.03)。結論:家族成員多半過重對孩童體重的影響比其他因素重要,可能是遺傳因素,也可能是家庭生活型態的影響,所以體重控制必須從家庭做起。
    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to understand the current status of TV watching, computer playing, reading, intakes of fast food, snacks, and sweetened drinks, and the factors associated with overweight children aged between 7 and 12 in Taiwan. Methods: This study utilized the data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) in Taiwan collected in year 2001. Items in questionnaires for children under 12 years old were used. They were also linked to questionnaires for people older than 12 years in the same household. Items used in this study were demographic characteristics, time spent watching TV, playing computer games and reading books, and the frequencies of having fast food, snacks, and sweetened drinks during the week. The percentage increased to 60-70% in weekends. Time spent watching TV differed in families with different income levels. Mainly, children in families with lower income levels tended to spend more time watching TV than those with higher incomes. Time spent playing computer games increased as age increased. With respect to the intakes of fast food, about 30% of children ate fast food more than one in a week. About 70% of children drank sweetened drinks more than once a week. When combining time spent watching TV and playing computer games, intakes of fast food and sweetened drinks, and the percentage of family members overweight in a logistic model, we found over 50% of family members on the overweight children could be due to genetic effects. However, we could not ignore the effect of life styles in the same family. Intervention program for overweight children should target the family life styles.
  • 474 - 482
  • 10.6288/TJPH2003-22-06-06
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  • 台灣地區六至十二歲兒童乘坐機車戴安全帽的情形-地區差異及家庭聚集:2001年國民健康訪問調查之結果The 2001 National Health Interview Survey: Geographic Variation and Family Aggregation of Helmet Use among Children Aged 6 to 12 in Taiwan
  • 潘怜燕、 張新儀、石曜堂
    Ling-Yen Pan, Hsing-Yi Chang, Yaw-Tang Shih
  • 兒童 ; 安全帽 ; 國民健康訪問調查
    Children ; Helmet ; National Health Interview Survey
  • 目標:騎乘坐機車戴安全帽,是政府既定的政策,兒童也不例外,然而不同地區的執行狀況不盡相同。本研究之目的在於瞭解台灣地區六到十二歲兒童乘坐機車時戴安全帽的實施狀況,並探討地區因素及家人交通安全相關行為與兒童乘坐機車戴安全帽的關係。方法:本研究所使用之資料,為「國民健康訪問調查」的一部份,為具全國代表性的樣本。本研究以其中年滿六歲但未滿十二歲並沒有乘坐機車經驗的兒童,共計1,787人為對象,並串聯十二歲以上問卷及家戶問卷中相關資料,進行分析。結果:整體而言,78.9%的兒童每次乘坐機車時都會戴安全帽,以GEE model進行複邏輯斯迴歸分析,與兒童乘坐機車時是否每次都戴安全帽相關的因素,則包括了年齡越大、居住於大台北、北縣基隆、桃竹苗、中彰投以及宜花東地區、家人戴安全帽的行為聚集。結論:兒童乘坐機車戴安全帽的行為有地區性的差異存在,且家人的交通安全保護行為與兒童是否每次都戴安全帽有相當顯著的關聯。
    Objectives: Wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle is compulsory in Taiwan. The main objectives of current study are to understand the helmet wearing undertaken by children aged 6 to 12 while riding on a motorcycle, and to investigate their variations among geographic locations and family aggregation. Methods: The data used in this study is part of the 2001 National Health Interview Survey. 1,787 children who were aged 6 to 12 and had the experience of riding on motorcycle were taken into analysis. Items in questionnaire for children under 12 years old were used. They were also linked to a questionnaire for adults older than 12 years in the same household. Results: 78.9% of children reported always wearing a helmet while riding on a motorcycle. Logistic regression was applied to investigate the factors associated with helmet use. It is found that the following characteristics are associated with helmet wearing: older age, residing in the northern (the metropolitian Taipei, Kee-Lung and Taipei County, the counties of Tao-Yuan, Hsin-Chu and Miao-Li), central (Tai-Chung, Chang-Hwa, Nan-Tou) and eastern (the counties of I-Lan, Huan-Lien and Tai-Tung) of the island, and other family members wearing helmets. Conclusions: There is geographic variation in wearing helmets. Whether children always wear a helmet is also significantly associated with other family member’s helmet member’s helmet wearing.
  • 483 - 491
  • 10.6288/TJPH2003-22-06-07
  • Link 原著 Original Article
  • 台灣地區非致命事故傷害狀況Nonfatal Unintentional Injuries in Taiwan
  • 張鳳琴、蔡益堅、吳聖良
    Fong-Ching Chang, Yih-Jian Tsai, Shang-Liang Wu
  • 事故傷害 ; 交通事故 ; 跌倒 ; 國民健康訪問調查
    nonfatal unintentional injuries ; motor vehicle accidents ; falls ; National Health Interview Survey
  • 目標:瞭解台灣地區非致命事故傷害流行狀況。方法:本研究利用2001年國民健康訪問調查家戶資料檔,分析就醫或住院之事故傷害盛行狀況,資料收集方法係以結構問卷面訪,由最瞭解家戶資料者回答家中成員過去一年曾否發生非致命就醫事故傷害狀況。完訪家戶包括台灣代表性的5,798家戶、山地鄉代表性的532家戶及離島代表性的391家戶。結果:台灣地區民眾自述過去一年主要之就醫事故傷害依其盛行率由高而低依序為:交通事故、跌倒/落、燒燙傷及割傷。其中交通事故與跌倒/落傷害盛行率皆為2.6%。交通事故與跌倒/落在年齡、家戶收入及地區別上皆有顯著差異。尤以男性、15-24歲或家戶收入少於3萬者之就醫交通事故盛行率較高。交通事故工具主要為機車(78.9%),事故傷害時有22.2%未戴安全帽或繫安全帶,3.5%事故傷害前有喝酒。按地區別,以山地鄉駕駛人事故傷害前喝酒的比例(34.6%)及未用安全帽(帶)的比例(38.5%)最高。在跌倒/落事故傷害方面,以65歲以上跌倒/落事故傷害盛行率(6.3%)最高;至於發生跌倒/落傷害的地點,14歲以下幼童較常發生在上下樓梯;15-24歲青壯年較常發生在運動場所或遊戲區;25歲以上較常發生於走在平坦或有坡度的路面。結論:台灣民眾就醫事故傷害主要為交通事故與跌倒/落。交通事故的危險因子包括山地、男性、家戶收入較低者、駕駛人、機車使用者、事故前喝酒或未用安全帽(帶)等有關。跌倒/落則以幼童、職場及老人最常見。至有必要加強宣導行車前不喝酒及行車使用安全帽(帶),並建立學校、職場及社區之跌倒/落管理模式。
    Objectives: The study aims to understand the epidemiologic patterns of nonfatal unintentional injuries in Taiwan. Methods: Using the 2001 NHIS (National Health Interview Survey) household data, the study demonstrated the prevalence of medically attended unintentional injuries. The data was collected by a face-to-face questionnaire interview from respondents of 5,789 Taiwan households, 532 mountain households, and 391 off-shore island households, about the household members’ nonfatal accident injuries in the past year. Results: Motor vehicle accidents, falls, burns/scalds, and lacerations were the top four causes resulting in medical care in the previous year for Taiwan residents. The prevalence of medically attended motor vehicle and fall injuries in the past year were 2.6%, and were significantly associated with age, household income, and geographic area. Males, aged from 15-24, and from low household income had higher prevalence of motor vehicle injuries. Of those who had motor vehicle injuries, 78.9% were involved with motorcycles, 22.2% did not wear a helmet or buckle up a seat-belt, and 3.5% had drunk alcoholic beverages. Mountain residents had the highest prevalence of drunken (34.6%) or unprotected (38.5%) riding. Respondents aged above 65 had the highest prevalence of fall injuries. The most common place of falling by age was: up/down stairs for ages 14 and under, at a sports field or play ground for ages 15-24, and on a smooth or sloping pathway for ages 25 and over. Conclusions: Motor vehicle accidents and falls were the two leading causes of medically attended injuries for Taiwan residents. Rick factors related to medically attended motor vehicle accident injuries included mountain residency, male, low household income, drivers, motorcycle riders, and drunk or unprotected driving. A high prevalence of medically attended fall injuries was observed in children, in work sites, and at ages 65 or over. It implies the necessity to promote the usage of helmets and seat-belts and the abstinence from drunken driving, and to establish falls management models in schools, in work sites and in communities.
  • 492 - 500
  • 10.6288/TJPH2003-22-06-08
  • Link 原著 Original Article
  • 國人生活品質評量(Ⅰ):SF-36台灣版的發展及心理計量特質分析Assessment of Health-related Quality of Life in Taiwan (I): Development and Psychometric Testing of SF-36 Taiwan Version
  • 盧瑞芬、曾旭民、蔡益堅
    Jui-Fen Rachel Lu, Hsu-Min Tseng, Yih-Jian Tsai
  • SF-36台灣版 ; 心理計量特質 ; 信度 ; 健康生活品質
    SF-36 Taiwan version ; psychometric property ; reliability ; health-related quality of life
  • 目標:主要說明SF-36台灣版的發展過程,同時針對SF-36台灣版量表進行心理計量特質分析。方法:本研究以2001年國民健康調查12歲(含)以上的受訪者為分析樣本(N=18,142),其中共有17,515人進行SF-36台灣版的心理計量特質分析,分析內容涵蓋資料品質、量表結構與信度檢測。結果:在資料品質方面,本研究發現,SF-36台灣版的量表平均漏答率皆低於4%,同時男性的漏答率皆高於女性,而老人高於年輕的受訪者;量表結構方面,各子題與所屬量表的相關係數在0.40到0.83範圍內,同時除心理健康量表外,各量表皆通過區分效度的檢測。在信度檢測方面,則發現內部一致性,除社會功能量表外均達到可接受的信度水準(α>0.70)。結論:分析結果顯示,SF-36台灣版具有良好的心理計量特質。根據IQOLA研究準則,卻增進SF-36台灣版的解釋力,仍有待常模的建立與後續效度的研究。
    Objectives: This paper aims to document the development of the SF-36 Taiwan version for assessment of health related quality of life and perform psychometric testing of the scales. Methods: The study sample was composed of 18,142 subjects aged 12 and above from the 2001 Health Interview Survey. The psychometric testing, which included tests of data quality, scaling assumptions and reliability, was performed on a valid sample of 17,515 subjects. Results: Regarding data quality, the average scale missing rate of all items was less than 4% with male respondents tending o have higher missing rate than female ones, this trend held true for elderly respondents relative to the younger counterparts. In terms of tests of scale assumptions, item-scale correlation coefficients range from 0.40 to 0.83 Except for MH, the rest of the scales have passed the tests of item discriminant validity. Also, internal reliability has reached acceptable level for all scales (a>0.70), except for SF. Conclusions: In Summary, the SF-36 Taiwan version was shown to possess good psychometric properties. In order to enhance the explanatory power of SF-36 Taiwan version, further research is required to establish the norm and validate the instrument.
  • 501 - 511
  • 10.6288/TJPH2003-22-06-09
  • Link 原著 Original Article
  • 國人生活品質評量(Ⅱ):SF-36台灣版的常模與效度檢測Assessment of Health-related Quality of Life in Taiwan (?): Norming and Validation of SF-36 Taiwan Version
  • 盧瑞芬、曾旭民、蔡益堅
    Jui-Fen Rachel Lu, Hsu-Min Tseng, Yih-Jian Tsai
  • 健康生活品質 ; SF-36台灣版 ; 常模 ; 效度
    health-related quality of life ; SF-36 Taiwan version ; norm ; validity
  • 目標:建立SF-36台灣版的常模,及進行初步的效標效度檢定,同時亦與美國常模作一比較。方法:本研究以2001年國民健康調查12歲(含)以上之受訪者為分析樣本(N=18,142),其中共有17,515人進行SF-36的常模及效標效度檢定。結果:本研究發現SF-36台灣版與世界各國的研究結果相同,SF-36台灣版常模資料顯示,男性在各量表上的平均值明顯高於女性。分析年齡與常模分數之間的關係顯示,屬於身體生理健康領域的量表分數隨著年齡增加而遞減;但屬於心理健康領域下的量表則較不受年齡影響。以年齡作為效標,比較25-34歲與55-64歲兩組年齡層在SF-36的表現,其測試結果亦符合原始版本的假設。結論:本研究所顯示的常模資料立基於具有全國代表性的樣本,其結果可以作為日後使用SF-36台灣版的比較依據。在效度的研究上,則尚需更多SF-36台灣版研究者的努力,以增進SF-36台灣版的解釋力。
    Objectives: This study aims to establish the norm of the SF-36 Taiwan version and to test criteria-validity underlying the scale construction. A comparison in norms was also made between US and Taiwan. Methods: The study sample was composed of 18,142 subjects aged 12 and above, collected from the 2001 Health Interview Survey. Norming and validation of SF-36 Taiwan version were performed on a valid sample of 17,515 subjects. Results: Our study results were consistent with those found in other language versions. Ale subjects tend to score significantly higher than female subject on all scales. As age increases, the scales in the physical health dimension tend to perform worse, however, the age effect on the scales in the mental health dimension is less pronounced. Using age as a criteria, preliminary results from the criteria validity testing performed on younger (25-34y/o) and older (55-64y/o) adults found similar patterns to the US version. Conclusion: The paper presents the norm of the SF-36 Taiwan version which can serve as a valuable reference for future comparisons. However, more research in validation will warrant and enhance the explanatory power of the SF-36 Taiwan version.
  • 512 - 518
  • 10.6288/TJPH2003-22-06-10