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  • 就讀高壓輸電線跨越校園上空學校學童之一般健康狀態評估Assessment of General Health Status amongst Children Students Who Attend Schools with high-tension Power Lines Hovering over the Campuses
  • 李中一、宋鴻樟、 陳富莉
    Chung-Yi Li, Fung-Chang Sung, Fu-Li Chen
  • 橫斷性研究 ; 電磁場 ; 學校衛生 ; 電力設施
    Cross-sectional studies ; Electromagnetic fields ; School health ; Power sources
  • 評估就讀於有高壓輸電線跨越校園上空國民中小學學童之一般健康狀態。方法:本研究利用橫斷性研究設計,在2004年4月至11月期間,針對台北縣市14所校園上空有高壓輸電線跨越之國民中小學學童1,117名(暴露組)以及18所校園上空無高壓輸電線跨越之國民中小學學童2,204名(對照組)的家長進行過去一個月以來,對學童健康情形之自我評量問卷;並利用多變量多名義邏輯斯迥歸模式調整年齡與社經指標後,計算勝算比及其相對應之信賴區間,用以估計暴露組學童過去一個月內生病與就醫症狀的相對危險性。結果:控制家長教育程度與學童年齡後,暴露組學童一個月內曾經就醫的勝算比為0.84(95% CI:0.72-0.98),其中暴露組學童看過西醫門診(OR=0.65, 95% CI:0.56-0.81)與牙醫門診(OR=0.76, 95% CI:0.59-0.98)之勝算比也都顯著偏低,但暴露組與對照組學童在中醫門診、西藥房買藥、以及另類醫療使用的比率上則無顯著的差異,家長自訴學童健康症狀的頻率上也無顯著差異。結論:本研究發現,就讀校園上空有高壓輸電線跨越的國民中小學之學童在某些自訴的就醫與疾病頻率上似乎有偏低的情形,這可能是因為某些未控制的干擾因子所致,也可能是因為為極低頻磁場激活效應所致,唯真正原因需要未來的研究去作釐清。
    To assess the health of children attending elementary and junior high schools with high tension power lines hovering over the campuses. Methods: Between April and November, 2004, we carried out a cross-sectional study that administerd a self-assessed health questionnaire survey to the parents of 1,117 children from 14 elementary and junior high schools with high tension power lines hovering over the campuses (exposed group). The control group was consisted of 2,204 children from 18 control schools. Multivariate multinominal logistic regression model was used to calculate the age and socioeconomic indicators adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and the corresponding confidence intervals (CIs) of clinical visits and health conditions within a one- month period prior to questionnaire survey in relation to the putatively hazardous exposure to magnetic fields. Results: After adjustment for potential confounders, children of the exposed group experienced significantly reduced OR of clinic visit at a value of 0.84 (95% CI: 0.72-0.98). The ORs for both ambulatory and dental care were also significantly reduced at estimates of 0.68 (95% CI: 0.56-0.81) and 0.76 (95% CI: 0.59-0.98), respectively. There were no significant differences between the two groups in Chinese medicine care, drugstore visits, and taking herbal medicine. There were also no significant differences in the self-reported adverse health outcomes by parents. Conclusions: This study discloses that children attending elementary and junior high schools with high-tension power lines hovering over the campuses tended to experience a lower frequency of certain health indicators. Whether such results were due to unadjusted confounders or electromagnetic fields induced hormetic effects warrant further investigation.
  • 83 - 92
  • 10.6288/TJPH2006-25-02-01
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  • 工作組織社會心理特質與自評健康:比較DC與ERI工作壓力模式對醫師族群之適用性Psychosocial Work Environment and self-rated Health: A Comparative Study of DC and ERI Models in a Sample of Medical Specialists
  • 陳端容
    Duan-Rung Chen
  • 醫師健康 ; 工作組織 ; 負荷控制模式 ; 付出報酬失衡模式
    physicians' health ; work organizations ; Demand Control model ; Effort Reward Imbalance model
  • 目標:本研究以職業壓力文獻中兩個主要工作壓力模式「負荷控制模式」(Demand Control model)與「付出報酬失衡模式」(Effort Reward Imbalance Model)檢驗131位心臟科醫師工作組織社會心理特質與自評健康之關係,並比較兩個模式適用性。方法:結構式問卷包括DC及ERI模式量表及其他工作變項,以郵寄問卷收集資料。結果:「付出報酬失衡」與「高負荷低控制」對壓力引起的心身症狀(psychosomatic symptoms)有部分解釋力,然「付出報酬失衡」對輕度心理憂鬱傾向相關較強,高負荷低控制的工作壓力與醫師自評健康相關性較強,推測前者因著重組織與員工社會交換的心理變項,對屬於整體而較抽象的心理健康層次變項心理憂鬱傾向可以提供較佳解釋,而「高負荷低控制」模式測量每天皆會經歷而相當具體的工作狀況,與直接評量當下健康狀況的自評健康較有關。結論:對高度專業且受雇於大型醫院的醫師而言,雖然執行相同的醫療工作,但卻因為工作組織環境與工作條件不同,對健康形成不同程度的危害,顯示工作組識社會心理環境的重要性,高負荷低控制或是付出報酬失衡的工作處境對醫師因壓力引起的病態可以提供部分解釋力,值得進一步討論。
    Objectives: To compare the predictive validity of the demand/control and effort reward/imbalance models for self-reported health status and minor mental distress in a sample of Taiwanese cardiologists. Methods: A standardized questionnaire including working characteristics, DC and ERI questionnaires were mailed to physicians registered as cardiology specialists. A total of 131 physicians responded to this study. Results: Effort-reward imbalance at work was relatively more associated with minor mental distress, and job strain is associated with self-reported health. However, both effort-reward imbalance at work and job strain can explain part of the adverse effect of stress on health. One personality variable, need for approval is also associated with the chance of being in minor mental distress. It suggests that different dimensions of intrinsic effort need to be further explored. Physicians who have administrative positions tend to show ill health, and this indicates that dual role responsibility may increase health risks. Conclusion: The results suggest that both DC and ERI models can explain aspects of psychosocial environment of working organizations for professional groups. It calls for attention to the heterogeneity of organizational contexts for organized professions.
  • 93 - 106
  • 10.6288/TJPH2006-25-02-02
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  • 週末假日就醫與治療結果之相關探討The Relationship between Admission on Weekends or Holidays and Treatment Outcome
  • 李麗惠、薛亞聖、楊長興
    Li-Hui Lee, Ya-Seng Hsueh, Chiang-Hsing Yang
  • 週末 ; 連續假日 ; 春節 ; 住院死亡 ; 急診返診
    weekends ; special holidays ; Lunar New Year ; in-hospital mortality ; revisits
  • 目標:探討於週末假日期間急診就醫與病患治療結果的相關性。方法:使用國家衛生研究院之全民健康保險資料庫,以2000至2002年間的6,377,556急診人次及712,787急診住院人數為研究對象,採用描述性統計及邏輯斯迴歸模式(logistic regression model),分析週末、連續假日及農曆春節期間就醫相較於非週末假日是否有較高的住院死亡與急診返診風險。結果:控制病患特性及醫院特性後,週末急診就醫相較於非週末不會有較高的住院死亡風險,但是會有較高的24、48與72小時內急診返診風險;此外,連續假日與農曆春節期間急診住院或就醫相較於非連續假日與農曆春節會有較高的住院1、2與30日內死亡及24、48與72小時內急診返診風險。結論:建議醫院需採更周全的因應及加強連續假日與農曆春節之值班人力以避免不必要的病患死亡及重返急診,以確保於連續假日與農曆春節就醫或住院之急診病患的安全與一致的照護品質。
    Objectives: This study attempts to examine whether there is an association between people being admitted on weekends or holidays and treatment outcome. Methods: The population-based admission and mortality data between 2000 and 2002 were drawn from the National Health Insurance Research Database. There are 6,377,556 visits through ED and 712,787 admissions through ED in this research. Logistic regression model analysis was employed to investigate whether admission on weekends, special holidays, or during Lunar New Year is related to a higher in- hospital mortality and revisits risk. Results: Compared to admission on weekdays, revisits to the ED in 24, 48, and 72 hours after being discharged were significantly higher for those being admitted on weekends. Compared to admission on other days, the mortality of 1, 2, and 30 days after admission were significantly higher for those being admitted during special holidays or during Lunar New Year. Conclusions: Although admission on weekends was found not to link with higher mortality, admission on long weekends and certain holidays tends to be less safe. The implication is more aggressive measures should be considered to protect patients from unnecessary mortality.
  • 107 - 114
  • 10.6288/TJPH2006-25-02-03
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  • 臺灣菸害防制政策的性別分析:以女性吸菸為例Engendering Tobacco Control Policy in Taiwan: The Case of Female Smoking
  • 張珏、張心潔
    Chueh Chang, Hsin-Chieh Chang
  • 菸害防制政策 ; 性別分析 ; 女性吸菸
    tobacco control policy ; gender-based analysis ; female smoking
  • 目標:有鑑於目前臺灣的「吸菸趨勢分期」屬於第二階段,為避免女性吸菸率在菸商加強行銷後如國際預估持續上升,需檢視我國菸害防制政策是否具備性別觀點,也符合聯合國所提「性別主流化」的策略。方法:以加拿大衛生署性別基礎方法分析我國菸害防制相關政策-以菸害防制法、菸品健康福利捐與孕婦吸菸為例。結果:我國目前菸害防制政策及實施過程較缺社會如何建構性別的觀點;也較缺乏具性別分析的相關研究;對女性會吸菸的動機與背後社會脈絡的理由在研究佐證方面有待著力;政策未將男性、女性、男孩、女孩都明列進去,只籠統以整體為對象,較少不同性別、年齡、階級與種族的分析。本研究發現制訂法令的群體並未完全瞭解性別主流化的概念,政策的擬定是否對男女公平或其意義缺乏深入考量,導致政策制訂或頒佈時可能對不同性別的均衡發展造成有意或無意的危害。結論:加強性別分析觀點的研究,以俾政策制訂的參考;同時也需加強探討性別刻板印象對男女吸菸的影響,明暸媒體採用性別意涵作為手段誤導男女成為吸菸族的策略;加強民間團體尤其是婦女團體的參與菸害防制工作。
    Objectives: Currently, Taiwan is in the second phase of the ”four-stage model of tobacco epidemic” we need to examine the tobacco control policy from the gender perspective for two purposes. One is to prevent the female smoking rate from increasing by the marketing of the tobacco industry, the other is to respond to the concept of gender mainstreaming of the United Nations. Methods: We adopted Gender-Based Analysis from Health Canada. The Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act, Tobacco Health Tax, and the proposed pregnant women smoking prohibition regulation will be examined in this study. Results: Tobacco control policies in Taiwan now, lack gender perspective. Related research also need gender analysis. The motivation under the social context of female smoking has not been fully studied. The terms of women and men including girls and boys were not clearly listed in the policies, but were viewed as a whole instead. Furthermore, the policies also were not closely concerned with the diversity of sex, age, socioeconomic status and ethnicity. Our analysis observed that the policy-making groups did not completely comprehend the concept of gender mainstreaming, the fairness to different genders and the implications of policies were not well considered; it may consciously or unconsciously damage gender development. Conclusions: We should conduct more gender analysis on researches in order to provide reference to those policy makers. It is necessary to do gender education and to explore the effect of gender stereotypes on smoking, as well as to interpret the marketing strategies with gender awareness. Last, we should invite more NGOs and women's organizations to join the tobacco control movement.
  • 115 - 124
  • 10.6288/TJPH2006-25-02-04
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  • 知識、態度、自我照顧行為和疾病嚴重度對氣喘病人生活品質的解釋模式-以參加氣喘疾病管理計畫之病人為例Building Explanatory Model of asthma-specific Quality of Life an Analysis of Patients Enrolled in an Asthma Disease Management Program
  • 羅中廷、翁慧卿
    Chung-Ting Lo, Hui-Ching Weng
  • 氣喘 ; 疾病管理計畫 ; 疾病相關生活品質 ; 結構方程式
    Asthma ; Disease management program ; Disease-related quality of life ; Structural equation modeling
  • 目標:本研究旨在建立影響氣喘病患生活品質的解釋模式,並且檢驗該模式是否同時適用於小孩與成人。方法:研究對象為參加健保局氣喘疾病管理計畫的小孩與成人;有效問卷共669份,回收率29.4%,資料以LISREL 8.30版進行模式分析。結果:模式在小孩樣本(x^2/df=63.8/49, p=0.076, RMSEA=0.037)及成人樣本(x^2/df=78.9/60, p=0.052, RMSEA=0.026)均得到支持。分析結果顯示態度與自陳式氣喘嚴重度對生活品質有直接效果,而氣喘知識與態度會透過自我照護行為與嚴重度對生活品質產生間接且正向的效果。結論:氣喘知識乃是藉由影響其他因素子,而產生對生活品質的間接影響;主要的影響因素包括態度,自我照顧行為,以及疾病嚴重度。無論是小孩或是成人,在進行氣喘疾病管理介入時,應重視病患對疾病的態度,以及自我照顧行為的指導與敦促,以期提高生活品質。
    Objectives: The aim of this study was to build an explanatory model in the quality of life (QOL) for patients with asthma by examining children and adults samples. Methods: The Study subjects were adults and children who participated in the asthma disease management program conducted by the Bureau of National Health Insurance (BNHI) of Taiwan. The total sample size was 669 with a response rate of 29.4%. We used structural equation modeling to examine the models by LISREL 8.30. Results: Both the children (x^2/df=63.8/49, p=0.076, RMSEA=0.037) and the adults (x^2/df=78.9/60, p=0.052, RMSEA=0.026) models were supported. Results indicated that both attitude and self-reported severity of illness had direct effects on QOL of asthmatics. Both knowledge and attitude had positive and indirect effects on QOL via self-care behavior and severity of illness. Conclusions: Asthma knowledge might affect QOL of asthma patients through the mediation from attitude, self-care behavior, and severity of asthma. We suggest that for both children and adults we should focus especially on building up a positive attitude, guiding and promoting of self-care behavior with the aim of improving patients' QOL during the intervention of asthma disease management program.
  • 125 - 134
  • 10.6288/TJPH2006-25-02-05
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  • 台灣地區民眾抗生素認知與用藥行為Knowledge and Use of Antibiotics among People in Taiwan
  • 廖建彰、張祐剛、 陳秀熙、呂宗烟、黃鈴雅、宋鴻樟
    Chien-Chang Liao, Yu-Kang Chang, Hsiu-His Chen, Chung-Yen Lu, Ling-Ya Huang, Fung-Chang Sung
  • 抗生素 ; 認知 ; 使用 ; 遵醫囑
    Antibiotics ; Knowledge ; Use ; compliance with physician's order

  • Objectives: Inappropriate usage of antibiotics has been associated with bacterial antibiotic resistance. This study reported the medication behaviors and the knowledge of taking antibiotics for adults in Taiwan. Method: With random telephone dialing system, we interviewed adults aged 20 years and above to collect information of their sociodemographic characteristics, and knowledge and use of antibiotics. Results: Among 1507 adults interviewed, 1279 persons (84.9%) knew or had heard of antibiotics, and 548 persons (36.4%) and/or their children aged less than 18 years had taken antibiotics in the last six months. Knowledge scores of antibiotics increased among those with more education. Near 60% of respondents were self-reported non-compliant with physician's order to complete the entire medication course. Among those with antibiotics prescription in the last 6 months, 70.1% did not complete the medication if the symptom had become alleviative. Individuals who were more likely non-compliant with physician's order were those who had purchased antibiotics from drugstores with no prescription, compared with those with the prescription (94.5% vs. 66.9%) (p<0.0001). However, there was no significant association between knowledge level and the inadequate antibiotics medication. Conclusion: Good knowledge does not assure of adequate medication. The challenge of achieving better compliance with antibiotics use among general population is more complex than just education.
  • 135 - 142
  • 10.6288/TJPH2006-25-02-06
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  • 妊娠糖尿病與罹患第2型糖尿病之相關性研究A Relational Study of Gestational Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes
  • 何雪華、謝碧晴、李中一、蘇慧芳
    Hsueh-Hua Ho, Pi-Ching Hsieh, Chung-Yi Li, Hui-Fang Su
  • 妊娠糖尿病 ; 第2型糖尿病 ; 冠狀動脈心臟病 ; 發生率 ; 危險因子
    gestational diabetes mellitus GDM ; type 2 diabetes ; coronary heart disease ; incidence ; predicting factors
  • 目標:本研究目的為探討1998年至2002年間的妊娠糖尿病婦女罹患第2型糖尿病之發生率及影響這群婦女日後罹患第2型糖尿病的預測因子並進一步比較不同血糖狀況者冠狀動脈心臟病相關危險因子的差異情形。方法:本研究先以非同期性世代研究設計,追蹤1998年至2002年間台北市某醫學中心共有558位妊娠糖尿病婦女,於2003年5月至6月電話及郵寄通知婦女返院參加「妊娠糖尿病婦女回娘家」活動,填寫妊娠糖尿病問卷及抽血檢查。除以StatXact 4.0分析第2型糖尿病發生密度,並利用SPSS 11.0分別進行描述性統計、t檢定、K-W檢定、及多名義邏輯斯複迴歸分析。結果:共有152位妊娠糖尿病婦女返院接受檢查,其中有10位罹患糖尿病,另有5位在本研究進行之前已罹患糖尿病患,故共有9.6罹患糖尿病,發生密度為2.5/千人年,另有13.8%處於糖尿病前期。罹患第2型糖尿病的預測因子包括懷孕前的身體質量指數和懷孕時100g葡萄糖耐受試驗第1小時之血糖值;研究也發現罹患糖尿病婦女在冠狀動脈心臟病相關危險因子之空腹血糖、75g OGTT 2小時之胰島素及血糖、糖化血色素、三酸甘油酯、目前的身體質量指數、腰圍、腰臀比、體脂肪和收縮壓等變項分佈也與未罹患糖尿病婦女不同。結論:本研究發現妊娠糖尿病婦女產後罹患第2型糖尿病之發生率及預測因子與國外研究結果部份雷同;產後罹患第2型糖尿病婦女比未罹患糖尿病婦女具有較多的冠狀動脈心臟病的危險因子。
    Objectives: The purposes of this study were to investigate the factors impacting the women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) developing type 2 diabetes and its incidence density and to compare the differences between developing type 2 diabetes and non-developing type 2 diabetes in risk factors of coronary heart disease. Method: Based on a non-concurrent cohort study design, we got a total of 558 women with GDM and delivered to a medical center in Taipei from 1998 to 2002. We invited them to participate in the activity of ”Come Back Home for Women with GDM” through telephone and mailing from May to June of 2003. Participants were asked to complete the questionnaire and finish the blood test when they came back. The StatXact 4.0 was used to analyze the incidence density of type 2 diabetes. In addition, we presented the descriptive analysis, t-test, K-W test, and Multivariate Logistic Regression analysis using SPSS 11.0. Results: 152 GDM women had been followed, 10 of whom developed diabetes, the other 5 women had been diagnosed with diabetes before this research, so that the diabetes incidence came up to 9.6%. The incidence density of diabetes during the years from 1998 to 2002 was 2.5? person year, and the predicting factors of developing type 2 diabetes were ”pre-pregnant body mass index” and ”the plasma glucose value of 100g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in the first hour during pregnancy”. There was a significant association between developing type 2 diabetes and non-developing type 2 diabetes in risk factors of coronary heart disease, such as 75g OGTT 2-hour insulin and blood sugar, HbA1c, triglyceride, actual body mass index, waist circumstance, waist buttock ratio, body fat and systolic pressure. Conclusion: The findings reveal that the incidence density of type 2 diabetes and its predictors of GDM women are similar with the findings from abroad. Developing type 2 diabetes women with GDM have higher risk factors of coronary heart disease than other non-GDM women.
  • 143 - 151
  • 10.6288/TJPH2006-25-02-07
  • Link 實務 Public Health Practice
  • 全民健保實施總額預算制度之初步影響評估:以牙醫與西醫基層為例The Impact of Global Budgeting of National Health Insurance: A Preliminary Study on Dental and Primary Care Facilities
  • 張育嘉、黎伊帆、汪芳國、鄭守夏
    Yu-Chia Chang, Yi-Fan Li, Fang-Kuo Wang, Shou-Hsia Cheng
  • 全民健保 ; 總額預算 ; 就醫可近性 ; 醫療支出 ; 醫療品質
    ?National Health Insurance?;?global budgeting?;?accessibility?;?health expenditure?;?quality of care
  • 目標:本研究初步探討全民健保牙醫及西醫基層總額預算制度實施後,對民眾醫療可近性、醫療支出及醫療品質的影響。方法:本研究採用1997年至2003年全民健康保險學術研究資料庫、內政部台閩地區人口統計,以及衛生署國民醫療保健支出統計等不同資料來源進行分析,分別觀察牙醫及西醫基層院所週末看診、國民醫療保健支出、牙醫拔牙次數、牙醫根管治療次數,以及西醫門診國產藥與原廠藥佔率等趨勢分佈。結果:在可近性方面,牙醫診所週末/非週末看診次數比值在總額後仍持續下降。在醫療支出方面,牙醫之全民健保費用受到控制,但自付費用仍持續上漲。在醫療品質方面,每萬人口拔牙與根管治療次數的趨勢相仿,隱含民眾的牙齒照護品質無明顯變化;但西醫基層院所使用國產藥比例顯著增加,民眾用藥品質可能受到影響。結論:總額預算制度實施後,由於自付費用持續成長,使得控制整體醫療費用的成效有限;且若牙醫診所週末看診的比率再持續下降,民眾就醫可近性將有下降的疑慮;但在醫療品質方面,初步並未發現明顯的負面影響。本研究限於資料取得困難,只能做初步探討,總額的影響評估值得衛生部門持續關切。
    Objectives: The study aims to evaluate the effects of the Dental and Primary Care Global Budgeting (Global Budgeting) policies on people's access to care, health care expenditure, and quality of care. Methods: Three major sources of data used in this study were the National Health Insurance Research Database, Taiwan An-Fukien Demographic Fact Book, and Statistics of Health Expenditure, from 1997 to 2003. The study analyzed the distribution and trends in weekend visits to dentist and physician offices, national health expenditure, numbers of tooth extractions and root canal treatments per 10,000 individuals, and market shares of domestic versus imported medicines used in ambulatory care. Results: After the introduction of the Global Budgeting, in terms of access to care, the ratio of weekend to weekday visits sustained decreased in dental clinics. Regarding health care expenditure, the out-of-pocket expenses kept increasing although the Global Budgeting policy had curbed the dental expenditure growth. In terms of quality of care, the numbers of tooth-extractions and root canal treatments per 10,000 shared similar trends, which suggested that quality of dental care remained stable. On the other hand, the ratio of domestic to imported medicines increased significantly among community clinics, which might impair the quality of care. Conclusions: The implementation of the Global Budgeting policy has a limited impact on containing total health care expenditure because of the increasing out-of-pocket expenses. And if the ratio of weekend to weekday visits keeps declining in dental clinics, it is possible that the accessibility will become worse. However, these preliminary analyses did not find significant evidence concerning quality of care. Due to the limitation of acquiring data for analysis, this study can only provide preliminary findings. Health authorities should pay more attention to the impact evaluation of the Global Budgeting policy of the National Health Insurance.
  • 152 - 162
  • 10.6288/TJPH2006-25-02-08
  • Link 研究紀要 Research Brief
  • 簡介世界衛生報告的死亡率分組與基本健康指標:以台灣與西太平洋國家為例Introduction to the Mortality Strata and the Basic Indicators of the World Health Report: Taiwan and the Western Pacific Region Countries
  • 林宜平、馮宗蟻、莊義利、 詹長權、王榮德
    Yi-Ping Lin, Tzung-Yee Feng, Yi-Li Chuang, Chang-Chuan Chan, Jung-Der Wang
  • 世界衛生報告 ; 台灣 ; 西太平洋地區 ; 基本健康指標
    World Health Report ; Taiwan ; Western Pacific district ; population health indicators
  • 目標:本研究簡介世界衛生組織(WHO)之死亡率分組,以台灣補充資料為台灣分組,並呈現台灣與世界衛生報告西太平洋地區國家之基本健康指標,供讀者參考。方法:本研究合併衛生署統計室發佈之台灣補充資料,以及世界衛生報告之西太平洋地區國家之基本健康指標,進行分組及製表。結果:依照2000年WHO之死亡率分組,台灣應可與西太平洋地區之澳洲、汶萊、日本、新加坡與紐西蘭等五國並列健康狀況最佳之A組國家。本研究並製表呈現1992-2002年,台灣與西太平洋地區國家之基本健康指標供讀者參考。結論:雖然世界衛生報告中的統計資料,無論資料來源或是其統計方式,都存在許多爭議,不過知己知彼,瞭解台灣的健康分組與西太平洋地區國家的基本健康指標,仍有助於台灣近年來積極發展之國際衛生。
    Objectives: We introduce the five mortality strata used by the World Health Organization (WHO) to define subregions, apply the definition to classify Taiwan, and provide information of the Western Pacific countries for the readers' references. Methods: We retrieved the annual health statistics form the World Health Organization, and combined the data with Taiwan Supplement. Results: According to the WHO classification in 2000, Taiwan should be in the subregion of the Western Pacific group A (WPR-A) countries. Currently, the five WPR-A countries are Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Japan, New Zealand, and Singapore. We presented the basic health indicators of Taiwan and some other Western Pacific countries. Conclusions: Though there are debates of the WHO statistics, exploring the mortality strata and health indicators of the Western Pacific countries is helpful for the public health of Taiwan.
  • 163 - 168
  • 10.6288/TJPH2006-25-02-09